因为有两件事情是无可争辩的:神有主权,人有责任。本书力求阐明前者,原因是在我们其它的著作中,已屡次强调了后者。我们乐意承认,过于强调一面而忽视另一面是危险的。历史上有无数这样的例子,因为只强调神的主权而不坚持人的责任,就会倾向宿命论;而只偏重人的责任却看不见神的主权,就是在高举受造者,贬低创造者。 |
[The Sovereignty of God]
A.W. Pink defines God's sovereignty,
and then explains how God's sovereignty is characterized in creation and
salvation. Then Pink discusses the relationship between God's sovereignty
and the human will. Finally, Pink describes the appropriate attitude
Christians should take towards God's sovereignty, and considers several
difficulties that Christian may face in adopting this attitude.
一切关于神的真知识,其基础是要在思想上对圣经中所启示的神的完美属性有清楚的认识。一位未识之神是无法被信靠、事奉和敬拜的。此书力图阐述神性中一些主要的完美属性。读者若真的想要从细读此书中获益,就一定要恳切地求神祝福,将这些真理印在良心和心灵中,使生命能因此转变。 |
[The Attributes of God]
foundation of our knowledge of God rests upon knowing what he is like. This
classic work of Arthur W. Pink invites readers to discover the truth about
seventeen attributes of God, including his sovereignty, immutability,
patience, love, faithfulness, and much more. Pink shows readers a God who is
alive, all-powerful, and active in his creation. |
[Divine Inspiration of the Bible]
this book Pink aspires to defend the groundwork of Christianity--the Bible.
Pink defines the Scriptures, or Word of God, as the foundation of the
Christian religion. |
Divine Inspiration of the Bible (mp3)
is the audio book of the book "Divine Inspiration of the Bible" by A. W.
Pink. There are fourteen mp3 files. |