慕迪 (D. L. Moody, 1837-1899)美国著名布道家,曾向十亿人讲道,创有著名的慕迪神学院。
《慕迪小传》 慕迪由于毫不保留地把自己奉献给神;神也就确实使用像他这样一个平凡的器皿,藉着慕迪彰显祂的能力,并在大西洋两岸掀起了复兴的高潮。 |
《慕迪神学手册》 是一本导论式著作,为圣经神学、系统神学、历史神学、教义神学及当代神学的问题提供了基本的答案。虽然这方面的研究不乏佳作,但一本具体而全面、简括又明确的导论,似乎是现今所所渴求的。本书能满足这个要求。 |
愿神使凡读这书的人,都看重主日学,也看重孩童,都爱主日学,更爱孩童,好能引人归向基督,灵与魂与体,都蒙拯救,叫神在凡事上得荣耀,这是译者的盼望和祷告,阿门! |
Heaven: How to get there How can I get to heaven? Help, encouragement, and definite answers await the reader, as page after page unfolds with the explanation of this exciting place heaven and how we can get there. |
Heaven: How
to get there(mp3) How can I get to heaven? Help, encouragement, and definite answers await the reader, as page after page unfolds with the explanation of this exciting place heaven and how we can get there. |
God Used D. L. Moody
慕迪是著名的布道家,他一生谦卑顺服、充满灵力、熟读圣经、恳切祷告、完全奉献、热心救人、绝不贪财。作者循这七方面阐明神为何使用慕迪,让读者了解到被神使用的人所具备的属灵素质。 |
[Why God Used D. L. Moody] God is looking for men whom He can mightily use in winning souls. Read this booklet and earnestly decide to follow the pattern of Dr. Moody in the qualities which made him so God could use him with mighty power to win multitudes. |
This is the audio book of the book "Why God Used D. L. Moody" by R. A. Torrey. There are twelve mp3 files. |
慕迪的故事 | 慕迪的信 | Moody's Quotes | 撒种和收成 |