18世纪美洲基督教大觉醒运动的点火人。是廿世纪英语世界中最杰出的传道人之一。 |
这篇讲章是在1741年7月8日在康涅狄格州的恩菲尔德城(Enfield, Massachusetts 宣讲的。 |
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God' becomes a sermon about helplessness and hopelessness in which we find ourselves pitying the spider and hating God.
爱德华滋以第一次大觉醒(The First Great Awakening)为时代背景,写了这本有关宗教情感的文集,当时的大复兴等于英国所谓福音派的复兴。 |
《爱德华滋传》- 书摘
本书是中国首部完整的爱德华滋传记作品,完整地记述了他的一生的服侍与探索。在当今的中国教会,需要传扬敬虔的属灵传统,也需要历史上那些伟大人物的激励,相信可以让中国的基督徒更多地了解那些伟大的年代。 |
《教会复兴真伪辨》- 书摘
在18世纪大觉醒运动中,圣灵大大做工,无数的人悔改信主。伴随着复兴而来的还有人们感情上的表现和释放。爱德华滋对于人们在情感上的表现,进行了客观、细致的分析。区分圣灵的真正带领和来自人自己情感中的一些所谓的感动和情感。 |
A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God
This is an account of the early days of the first Great Awakening in and around Northampton, Massachusetts, written by Edwards himself. |
本书是爱德华滋的辉煌之作。探讨感情在信仰中的必然性、重要性,因为当今基督徒的内心生活和情感缺乏精神的修习。他最终将帮助您懂得,真正的基督徒的生活如何依赖于修习,以陶冶意愿和情感的正确禀性,从而圣洁地活着。(原名《论宗教情感》) |
是他写来管制自己, 为自己设下生命目标, 来讨神喜悦. 《立志》共有70项. 据说是他在重生之后写的,
最后一项是1723年8月17日写成的. |
爱德华滋的《日记》,从一七二二年二月十八日起,至一七三五年六月十一日止。他写日记的目的是检讨自己在履行立志中的成败得失,并以此警戒并激励自己。 |
The Religious Affections
book is profitable for study even today, and written in 1746 during the
First Great Awakening, Religious Affections remains an important and
challenging Christian treatise. |
Personal Narrative,1739
short biography on Edwards. Edwards' personal conversion story is
intense as he describes the sense of glory that permeated his soul |
Jonathan Edwards Resolutions
A list of the resolutions that Edwards read
once every week to keep his mind on his duty before God. |
Jonathan Edwards’Diary
The diary of
Mr. Edwards begins Dec. 18, 1722, when he was nineteen years of age. |
Treatise On Grace
examines the difference between common grace and saving grace,
demonstrates the nature and qualities of saving grace, and emphasizes
how the principle of grace is from the Spirit of God. |
True Saints, When Absent From The Body, Are Present With The Lord
Preached on the day of the funeral of the
Rev. Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. |
Christ's Agony
That the soul of Christ in his agony in the garden had a sore conflict with those terrible and amazing views and apprehensions |
A Divine and Supernatural Light
is an abridgment of the classic sermon by Jonathan Edwards "A Divine and
Supernatural Light, Immediately Imparted to the Soul |
Christian Knowledge
The Importance
and Advantage of a Thorough Knowledge of Divine Truth |
圣灵将神超自然之光直接照彻人心 |
如何知道你是一个真正的基督徒 |
神因人全靠祂得救赎而受了荣耀 |
爱德华滋选集导论 |
论自由意志 |
耶稣基督的优美 |
关于家庭的自省 |
基督徒走天路 |
神为信徒最好之分 |
基督给真信徒的平安 |
《罗马书》二章八到九节 |
为原罪论辩护 |