Pauline G. Hamilton

Pauline G. Hamilton
(1915 ~ 1988)

Known to many as “Dr. P” in English and “Grandma Han” in Chinese, she won the hearts of thousands during her faith-filled ministry to delinquent boys, students, and many others in Mainland China and Taiwan.

Early Life and Conversion

Pauline Hamilton was born the youngest of five children in Pennsylvania, USA, on January 29, 1915. She did not know that her parents had dedicated her to serve God in China, nor did she know that she had been named after Paul, whom her parents considered to be the greatest missionary who ever lived.

As a young adult, Pauline had become rebellious and proud. She was addicted to smoking, drinking, and drugs; diagnosed with tuberculosis; deserted by her boyfriend, who eloped with her best friend; and dismissed from medical school. In her despair, Pauline decided to commit suicide. When the tire of her car blew out just as she was about to drive over a cliff, she believed that God had saved her life and that he loved her. She trusted in Christ, and the burden on her heart was lifted.

Education, Work, and Calling to China

Pauline began to hear God speaking directly to her through the Scriptures, and she was gradually released from her addictions, anger, and pride. She began to heal from her tuberculosis and was soon accepted as the first female student in the medical program at the University of Pennsylvania. At this time, Pauline decided to live by faith, trusting God for all her needs. Soon, she began to see his miraculous provision all around her.

She completed her PhD in physiology while struggling with another life-threatening illness, and began to work as a researcher for the University of Pennsylvania and Marine Biological Laboratories, then as a professor at Smith College in Massachusetts. However, with her respected position and comfortable salary, Pauline began to have the unsettling sense that God was asking her to give up all she had and serve as an “ordinary” missionary in China. Though at first she balked at the idea, before long she surrendered herself to God, plowing her way through obstacles to reach the land to which he had led her, adopting as her motto, “Anywhere, anytime, anyhow, bar nothing.”

Ministry in China

With only a crash course at Biblical Seminary in New York and no understanding of Chinese language or culture, Pauline arrived in China in 1947 at the age of 32. She was supported by Park Street Church in Boston and was a member of the China Inland Mission, which provided her language training and close supervision. Once in China, Pauline received a letter from her mother explaining how she had been dedicated at birth.

Pauline was first asked to teach science for missionary children at the Chefoo Children’s School. With no text books or lab equipment, she prepared all of 5th-12th grade for the Oxford and Cambridge examinations. She later realized that it was through her difficulties at Chefoo that she learned some of the most important lessons for her life as a missionary: her own frailty, trust in God, and the importance of caring for the needs of others.

After a year, Pauline began Bible teaching in Nanking [Nanjing], and then in Shanghai, but as Communist activities escalated, fewer students attended her Bible classes. In 1950, CIM withdrew from China, forcing Pauline to leave the country. Many years later she learned that some of the Bible study notes she had written while in China had been pasted to the bottoms of drawers and memorized as a basis for Bible teaching.

Ministry in Taiwan
Though unable to serve in Mainland China, Pauline was allowed to work in Taiwan, where she arrived in 1952. She taught Bible courses in Mandarin at the Taichung [Taizhong] Bible Institute for a short time, but later concentrated on youth, student, and women’s ministry. She began an annual youth conference at Grace Church, which later became an all-Taiwan conference, and the students started to publish a magazine. She worked with university students through Bible studies, fellowship meetings, and counseling. After a time, her student work was incorporated into the Campus Evangelical Fellowship, which joined smaller fellowships from all over the island. As students matured and began to take leadership, Pauline handed the reigns over to indigenous workers and took an assisting role, training staff, counseling, and advising.

Her “open door policy” brought many to her home, including soldiers, neighborhood women, and young people who had been referred to her from churches all over Taichung. Hamilton began to see the fruits of her labor as many heard the Gospel for the first time and some came to faith, then engaged in witnessing, discipling others, and attending church. One woman continued to attend meetings at her home despite her husband’s beatings; her husband later came to faith and was delivered from his violence and seizures.

Ministry to Delinquent Boys

One day a bloody, dirty boy showed up on Pauline’s doorstep. She welcomed him into her home, where he stayed for weeks. Her comical, courageous, humble, and loving demeanor won his trust; soon she learned that he was estranged from his parents and was the leader of a gang of 70 street boys. He became increasingly interested in devotions, and began to invite other boys from his gang to join in.

Before she knew it, Pauline was heavily involved in ministering to the street boys throughout her city. As the boys began coming to believe in Christ, she talked with them about the cost of being a Christian, how to live the Christian life, and temptations and battles to come. They began to lead others to the Lord and experienced persecution, often from their own families or gang members. She intercepted suicide and murder attempts, prevented gang fights, reunited families, tutored boys who wanted to stay in school, and inaugurated a Bible class named “The Hope of China Band.” Though she never married or had children of her own, Pauline became the beloved “Grandma Han” to these boys. In one instance, eight different gangs worked together for five weeks to guard her house from a man who had threatened to kill her.

Not long after, Pauline was invited to a governor’s tea. The officers commended her for her work with the youth and asked if she would be willing to serve as a counselor and English teacher at a new school for problem boys. She stood up and said,

If you have heard of any success in my work, it has not been because of anything I have done—it has been through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And as a Christian missionary, I would like your permission to use the Bible, God’s Word, in my counseling—because no change in the boys’ environment, no pressure on them from the outside, and no new restrictions will change them for the good. No, change has to be in the heart, and this is what God does through His Word.
Though none of the officers were Christians, they accepted her condition, along with the added stipulation that she would not accept a salary, so she was soon working at the boys’ school. Instead of having the boys meet her in her office, she went out into the playing fields with a camera, and they began coming to her, sharing their lives, and seeking her for counsel. She also used her English class to share the gospel and talk with the boys about their situation, often telling them of her own troubles and waywardness. Despite the boys’ threats that they would steal her possessions, she often invited them to her house, hiding nothing but charging them to “only steal according to [their] conscience.”


Though Pauline had many happy experiences, she also passed through numerous tests to her faith, including life-threatening illnesses, paralysis, robbery, attempted murder, financial difficulty, and depression. However, she was always brought through her trials through faith and prayer, often in miraculous ways, and often leading to more opportunities to minister and give glory to God. For instance, she conducted Bible classes for nurses from her hospital room and “chatted” the gospel with fellow patients, even when she was recovering from cancer. People would open up to her, believing that she could understand their troubles. Pauline wrote, “Living by faith means more than just trusting God for finances or direction; it also means trusting Him when all does not go well.”

Return to America

Once again, Pauline’s work was gradually taken over by native Chinese, and at 55, she began focusing on counseling and mentoring new OMF/CIM missionaries. By this time, she had taken on so much of her adopted culture that she was once asked by an American if she was Chinese. At 63, however, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and mission leadership ordered her to retire early and return to the US. Chinese friends overwhelmed her with gifts as she left her beloved home and set off for America in 1978, where she would enjoy 10 more years of good health, speaking throughout the US and other countries and writing her autobiography, To a Different Drum. Pauline died in her sleep while traveling on an OMF ministry trip in the Northwest US. “Dr. P.” is remembered as a “jolly, humble, intelligent, down-to-earth, beloved… person of faith.” Near the end of her life, she wrote, “Whatever I had given up to follow the Lord, he had returned to me a hundredfold.”

Mary Andrews

Mary Andrews
(1915 - 1996)

Mary Andrews was born in 1915 at Dry Plain Station near Cooma in NSW. She later moved to Sydney and had a varied career as a psychiatric nurse, a Bible college student, a student deaconess and a part time assistant in several Sydney parishes and unemployment camps. From a young age, Mary Andrews had a desire to serve God in China. In 1938 she joined the Church Missionary Society and sailed for Peking, where she studied in the College of Chinese Studies until the outbreak of war. At one point she was forced to escape from the Japanese invasion of China.

In 1939 Mary was appointed to the district of Lin Hai in Chekiang. There she conducted a school for poor children, while continuing her studies. During this time, continual attacks from the Japanese made life dangerous and uncertain. A highlight of this period for Mary was nursing Captain Ted Lawson, war hero and author of the book Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo.

Mary was again forced to escape the Japanese advance into China, this time by trekking across the Himalayas into India. In India, she took up work at St Faith’s Children’s Home in Lahore, and at a home for destitute women and girls. After a brief return to Sydney, Mary went back to her beloved China in 1947, where she brought many to know Jesus. These Christians eventually grew into a very large congregation.

Mary was again forced to leave China in 1951 after the Communist Party came into power. When it became obvious that mission work in China was no longer possible, Mary returned to Sydney and was appointed as the Head Deaconess of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

In 1952, Archbishop Howard Mowll convinced a reluctant Mary Andrews to consider becoming the Principal of Deaconess House with the vision that, under good leadership, the college could ‘become a training place from which women will go to the farthest parts of the world equipped to serve God’. Indeed, many women who trained under her went on to serve God in Sydney and throughout the world. Mary served as Principal for twenty-three years until 1975. While in semi-retirement, Mary became chaplain at three retirement villages and served on countless local and overseas committees, councils and international bodies. She was presented with the Order of Australia Medal (AM) by the Queen in 1980 for her contribution to the church and Australia.

Deaconess Mary Andrews was a woman who deeply loved God and served him faithfully until her death in 1996. In 1997 Deaconess House was renamed Mary Andrews College in her honour.

Rosalind Goforth

Rosalind Goforth
(6 May 1864-31 May 1942)

Florence Rosalind Bell-Smith (Married name: Rosalind Goforth) (6 May 1864-31 May 1942) was a Presbyterian missionary, and authoress. Rosalind was born near Kensington Gardens, London, England. When she was three years old she moved with her parents to Montreal, Canada.

Her father, John Bell-Smith, was an artist, and Rosalind also intended to go into art. She graduated from the Toronto School of Art in May 1885, and began preparing to return to London that autumn in order to complete her art studies. Something that never happened.

Instead, she married Jonathan Goforth on 25 October 1887 at Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Canada, and together they served God in Manchuria and China.

They had eleven children, five of which died as babies or very young children. Rosalind died in Toronto, Canada, and is buried alongside her husband at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto.

Works authored

How I Know God Answers Prayer (1921)
Chinese Diamonds for the King of Kings
Goforth of China (1937)
Climbing: Memoirs of a Missionary’s Wife (1940)

How to Remove Live Security Platinum

Live Security Platinum is a variant of rogue anti-malware software from Win32/Winwebsec. While Winwebsec-derived scamware products have been in distribution for quite some time, Live Security Platinum was only identified relatively recently, and malware researchers suggest that you keep your anti-malware programs updated if you want the best chance of detecting or removing Live Security Platinum. Like almost every other type of fake security software, Live Security Platinum’s goal is to make you spend money on its fraudulent software while Live Security Platinum feeds you broken system scan results and fake pop-up warnings, some of which may even resemble notifications from Windows Security Center and equivalent types of legitimate security programs. Although members of Winwebsec like Live Security Platinum are typically rated as low-level PC threats due to limited functionality and distribution, Live Security Platinum may still impede your PC by blocking a wide range of unrelated programs until you delete Live Security Platinum with a respectable anti-malware product.

Live Security Platinum – Slightly Ridiculous but Far From Harmless

Live Security Platinum uses the same unusual light-pink interface that’s common to other branches of Win32/Winwebsec such as Essential Cleaner, the fake MS Removal Tool, Security Sphere 2012 and System Tool. Other variants of Winwebsec continue to portray a similar template that’s identifiable as a clone of the one that Live Security Platinum uses, albeit with a different color scheme. As a rogue anti-malware scanner, Live Security Platinum isn’t designed to display accurate threat alerts or protect your PC, and Live Security Platinum’s pop-ups and other system alerts are all just leverage to make spending money on Live Security Platinum’s software seem attractive. malware research team doesn’t see any benefit to be had from spending money on Live Security Platinum, and also notes that the fraudulent ‘companies’ that distribute PC threats like Live Security Platinum are known for exploiting credit card data and other fiscal information ruthlessly.

Live Security Platinum’s fraudulent security information can include fake infection warnings and taskbar updates, and since Live Security Platinum is designed to launch automatically, you can anticipate seeing these pop-ups on a regular basis. However, Live Security Platinum’s start up routine and other attacks are all designed for Windows, and malware researchers consider non-Windows operating systems safe from standard Winwebsec-based attacks.
Live Security Platinum: ‘Old Testament Style’ Jealous Software

Live Security Platinum’s most dangerous behavior arguably is its ability to monitor your PC’s memory and disable processes that Live Security Platinum dislikes – including actual anti-malware and security programs. In fact, Live Security Platinum’s list of programs that Live Security Platinum blocks without just cause is so broad that it’s easier to list the programs that Live Security Platinum doesn’t block, such as Internet Explorer and various processes that are critical for the Windows OS.

As a counterbalance, malware research team notes that this program-blocking function doesn’t harm the applications in question. Since Live Security Platinum uses randomly-named files and alters the Windows Registry during its infection, you should use appropriate anti-malware software to remove Live Security Platinum. With Live Security Platinum out of the way, your other programs should resume normal functionality.


Download Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, or MBAM, from the following location and save it to your desktop:

Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware Download Link

If you are unable to connect to the site to download Malwarebytes’, please go back and do steps 3-6 again and make sure the infection has not reenabled the proxy settings.

1.Once downloaded, close all programs and Windows on your computer, including this one.

2.Double-click on the icon on your desktop named mbam-setup.exe. This will start the installation of MBAM onto your computer.

3.When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the installation process. Do not make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure you leave both the Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware checked. Then click on the Finish button. If MalwareBytes’ prompts you to reboot, please do not do so.

4.MBAM will now automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program before performing a scan. As MBAM will automatically update itself after the install, you can press the OK button to close that box and you will now be at the main program.

5.On the Scanner tab, make sure the the Perform full scan option is selected and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer for Windows Maintenance Suite related files.

6.MBAM will now start scanning your computer for malware. This process can take quite a while, so we suggest you go and do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan.

7.When the scan is finished a message box will appear as shown in the image below.

You should click on the OK button to close the message box and continue with the Windows Maintenance Suite removal process.

8.You will now be back at the main Scanner screen. At this point you should click on the Show Results button.

9.A screen displaying all the malware that the program found will be shown as seen in the image below. Please note that the infections found may be different than what is shown in the image.

You should now click on the Remove Selected button to remove all the listed malware. MBAM will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the programs quarantine. When removing the files, MBAM may require a reboot in order to remove some of them. If it displays a message stating that it needs to reboot, please allow it to do so. Once your computer has rebooted, and you are logged in, please continue with the rest of the steps.

10.When MBAM has finished removing the malware, it will open the scan log and display it in Notepad. Review the log as desired, and then close the Notepad window.

11.You can now exit the MBAM program and done.

How To Remove Relevant Knowledge Virus / Malware

How To Remove Relevant Knowledge Virus / Malware

Relevant Knowledge monitors browsing habits and purchasing activities. The data collected is sent to the creator of the application or third-parties. It displays surveys in a pop-up window. Relevant Knowledge uses Internet connection in the background without a user’s knowledge and in some cases may even affect Internet connection speed because your Internet connections will go through its own proxy. RelevantKnowledge is bundled in many freeware and commercial applications and it is introduced to a user when those commercial or free products are installed. It could be Windows screensavers, themes, games, etc.

Manual Removal of Relevant Knowledge: First to avoid any further infections caused by internet browsing redirects users will need to go to their Internet Options; this can be done by going to the start menu followed by control panel. Once in Internet Options choose the “Connections” tab followed by “LAN Settings” uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” Option. Once done click “Ok” to save these settings. Next users restart your computer in safe mode. To access safe mode, restart your computer and tap the F8 button. When correctly done a black screen will appear with options for starting up Windows. Choose Safe Mode and Windows will load safe mode, Next locate and delete the following files associated with Relevant Knowledge:

C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\nscf.dat
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rlls64.dll
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rlls.dll
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rloci.bin
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rlservice.exe
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rlvknlg64.exe
C:\Program Files\RelevantKnowledge\rlvknlg.exe
Relevant Knowledge Registry Entries that should be removed:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu\Programs\RelevantKnowledge
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “RelevantKnowledge”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “OSSProxy” rlvknlg.exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache Data “RelevantKnowledge”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List “c:\program files\relevantknowledge\rlvknlg.exe:*:Enabled:rlvknlg.exe”

How to Remove Windows Maintenance Suite

Windows Maintenance Suite is a scareware program from the Rogue.FakeVimes family of computer infections. This program is considered a rogue anti-spyware program because it shows fake security warnings, terminates processes and prevents you from running legitimate applications, and deliberately displays false scan results in order to scare you into purchasing the program. Windows Maintenance Suite is distributed through hacked web sites that exploit vulnerabilities on your computer and via fake online anti-malware scanners that state you are infected.

When this program is installed it will be configured to start when you login to Windows. The installer will also set numerous Windows Registry entries that make it so you cannot launch your anti-virus programs or Windows programs that can help you remove the computer infection. Once running, Windows Maintenance Suite will perform a scan and state that there are many infected files on your computer. If you attempt to remove any of them, though, the program will state that you first need to purchase it before it will allow you to do so.

While running, Windows Maintenance Suite will also display numerous security warnings that are designed to scare you into thinking your computer has a security problem. An example of one of the messages you may see is:

Attempt to modify registry key entries detected. Registry entry analysis is recommended.

Just like the scan results, all of these security alerts are fake and should be ignored.

Without a doubt, Windows Maintenance Suite is a scam that was created to trick you into thinking your computer is severely infected so that you will then purchase the program. With this said, for no reason should you purchase this program, and if you have, you should contact your credit card company and dispute the charge stating that the program is a scam and a computer virus. To remove Windows Maintenance Suite and related malware, please follow the steps in the removal guide below.

Automated Removal Instructions for Windows Maintenance Suite using Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware:

1.Print out these instructions as we may need to close every window that is open later in the fix.

2.It is possible that the infection you are trying to remove will not allow you to download files on the infected computer. If you run into this problem when following the steps in this guide you will need to download the files requested in this guide on another computer and then transfer them to the infected computer. You can transfer the files via a CD/DVD, external drive, or USB flash drive.

3.Reboot your computer into Safe Mode with Networking:

Select Safe Mode with Networking rather than just Safe Mode. When the computer reboots into Safe Mode with Networking make sure you login with the username you normally use. When you are at your Windows desktop, please continue with the rest of the steps.

4.This infection changes your Windows settings to use a proxy server that will not allow you to browse any pages on the Internet with Internet Explorer or update security software. Regardless of the web browser you use, for these instructions we will first need need to fix this problem so that we can download the utilities we need to remove this infection.

Please start Internet Explorer, and when the program is open, click on the Tools menu and then select Internet Options.

5-7 Now click on the Connections tab, then Now click on the Lan Settings button, Under the Proxy Server section, please uncheck the checkbox labeled Use a proxy server for your LAN. Then press the OK button to close this screen. Then press the OK button to close the Internet Options screen. Now that you have disabled the proxy server you will be able to browse the web again with Internet Explorer.

8.Now we must end the processes that belong to Windows Maintenance Suite so that it does not interfere with the cleaning procedure. To do this, please download RKill to your desktop from the following link.

RKill Download Link

When at the download page, click on the Download Now button labeled iExplore.exe download link. When you are prompted where to save it, please save it on your desktop.

If you are unable to connect to the site to download RKill, please go back and do steps 3-6 again and make sure the infection has not reenabled the proxy settings. You may have to do this quite a few times before you can get RKill downloaded. If you still cannot download the RKill program on the infected computer, you should download it to a clean computer and copy it to the infected one via a USB flash drive or CDROM.

9.Once it is downloaded, double-click on the iExplore.exe icon in order to automatically attempt to stop any processes associated with Windows Maintenance Suite and other Rogue programs. Please be patient while the program looks for various malware programs and ends them. When it has finished, the black window will automatically close and you can continue with the next step. If you get a message that RKill is an infection, do not be concerned. This message is just a fake warning given by Windows Maintenance Suite when it terminates programs that may potentially remove it. If you run into these infections warnings that close RKill, a trick is to leave the warning on the screen and then run RKill again. By not closing the warning, this typically will allow you to bypass the malware trying to protect itself so that RKill can terminate Windows Maintenance Suite . So, please try running RKill until the malware is no longer running. You will then be able to proceed with the rest of the guide. Do not reboot your computer after running RKill as the malware programs will start again.

If you continue having problems running RKill, you can download the other renamed versions of RKill from the RKill download page. Both of these files are renamed copies of RKill, which you can try instead. Please note that the download page will open in a new browser window or tab.

10.Now you should download Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, or MBAM, from the following location and save it to your desktop:

Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware Download Link

If you are unable to connect to the site to download Malwarebytes’, please go back and do steps 3-6 again and make sure the infection has not reenabled the proxy settings.

11.Once downloaded, close all programs and Windows on your computer, including this one.

12.Double-click on the icon on your desktop named mbam-setup.exe. This will start the installation of MBAM onto your computer.

13.When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the installation process. Do not make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure you leave both the Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware checked. Then click on the Finish button. If MalwareBytes’ prompts you to reboot, please do not do so.

14.MBAM will now automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program before performing a scan. As MBAM will automatically update itself after the install, you can press the OK button to close that box and you will now be at the main program.

15.On the Scanner tab, make sure the the Perform full scan option is selected and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer for Windows Maintenance Suite related files.

16.MBAM will now start scanning your computer for malware. This process can take quite a while, so we suggest you go and do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan.

17.When the scan is finished a message box will appear as shown in the image below.

You should click on the OK button to close the message box and continue with the Windows Maintenance Suite removal process.

18.You will now be back at the main Scanner screen. At this point you should click on the Show Results button.

19.A screen displaying all the malware that the program found will be shown as seen in the image below. Please note that the infections found may be different than what is shown in the image.

You should now click on the Remove Selected button to remove all the listed malware. MBAM will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the programs quarantine. When removing the files, MBAM may require a reboot in order to remove some of them. If it displays a message stating that it needs to reboot, please allow it to do so. Once your computer has rebooted, and you are logged in, please continue with the rest of the steps.

20.When MBAM has finished removing the malware, it will open the scan log and display it in Notepad. Review the log as desired, and then close the Notepad window.

21.You can now exit the MBAM program and done.

Mary Slessor: The White Queen of Calabar

Mary Slessor
(2 December 1848 – 13 January 1915)

“Run, Ma! Run!” Whenever Ma, the white woman, heard these words she knew that serious trouble was brewing, so she hurried out of the house and down the path into the forest. Presently she found Etim, the oldest son and heir apparent of chief Edem, lying unconscious under a tree which had fallen on him. For a fortnight she nursed him in his mother’s house, but her efforts were in vain.

Early one Sunday morning, while she was resting in her own hut, the boy’s life began to ebb. This news sent a spasm of terror throughout the district, for every violent death was attributed to witchcraft and it was certain that a number of persons would be put to death on the charge of having caused the tree to fall on the boy. Hurrying to the chief’s house, Ma found the natives blowing smoke into the dying lad’s nostrils, shouting into his ears and rubbing ground pepper into his eyes. As soon as life had fled, the chief shouted: “Sorcerers have killed my son and they must die! Bring the witch-doctor!”

At these words everybody fled. When the witch doctor arrived, he tried out his divinations and placed the responsibility for the boy’s death on a certain village. Forthwith armed warriors marched to that village, seized a dozen men and women, brought them back loaded with chains and fastened them to posts in the yard…

The chief endeavored to persuade Ma to let the prisoners submit to the poison ordeal, for, said he, “If they are not guilty, they will not die.” Ma knew that the poison would kill them, irrespective of their innocence, and refused to agree.

Finally, eleven of the prisoners were released and the death of the one remaining, a woman, was demanded. When Ma stubbornly refused, the chief stormed, threatened to burn down the house, and in blazing passion declared, “She caused my son’s death and she must die!” Bowing her head, the white Ma prayed for strength and patience and love. And, after several days of terrific strain she eventually won out. The last of the prisoners was released and the chief contented himself with the sacrifice of a cow. It was the first time in this entire district that a chief’s grave had not been saturated with human blood.

How was the lone white woman able to endure this long and terrible ordeal? Let her give the answer: “Had I not felt my Saviour close beside me, I would have lost my reason.” Empowered by that divine Presence, she held her ground and preached to the natives. Quoting the words of Jesus, “He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life,” she sought to show the terrors of divine judgment and the wonders of life everlasting.

Who was this woman who could triumph over such conditions? She was Mary Slessor, born in Aberdeen, Scotland, December 2, 1848, and known as the White Queen of Calabar, a region on the west coast of Africa. Concerning this intrepid woman, J. H. Morrison pays this tribute: “She is entitled to a place in the front ranks of the heroines of history, and if goodness be counted an essential element of true greatness, if eminence be reckoned by love and self-sacrifice, by years of endurance and suffering, by a life of sustained heroism and purest devotion, it will be found difficult, if not impossible, to name her equal.”

She was indeed a queen — a queen ruling in love over natives in Africa and a queen among the heroines of the Christian church.

I. The Queen and Her Royal Retinue

One day in 1898 the newsboys and porters in Waverley Station, Edinburgh, were astonished to see a woman of slight build, with a face like yellow parchment in hue and with short straight hair, get off the train accompanied by four wide-eyed African girls. The spectators’ amazement would have been vastly intensified had they known that they were gazing at a queen and her retinue; that, in early life she was the mainstay of the family after her father’s death at Dundee and had been a Scottish factory girl, toiling at her weaving machine from six in the morning till six at night amid the flash of the shuttles, the rattle of the looms and the roar of the machines; and, like David Livingstone, had educated herself by reading good books, a few sentences at a time, while tending her machine.

Wherever Mary Slessor went on her triumphal tour among the churches, the people were enthralled as they heard her tell, in a simple and humble manner, how she had endured hunger and thirst under the flaming sun of Africa, had been smitten down by tropical fevers, had controlled drunken cannibals brandishing loaded muskets, had mastered hundreds of frenzied natives lusting for blood and had faced death a thousand times in her endeavor to bring redemption’s story to Africa’s perishing peoples. They were moved to tears as she told of the slave markets, of human sacrifice, of cannibalism, and told specifically how, upon a certain chief’s death, twenty-five heads were cut off and, at the death of another chief, sixty people were killed and eaten. But the stories the Scotch Christians liked best of all were those telling how she had rescued from death hundreds of baby twins and other deserted babies thrown out in the forest to perish of hunger or to be eaten by ants or leopards. The stories were made doubly impressive by the presence of four of these children who had been cast off and then rescued.

II. The Queen and Her Royal Mission

As a young girl, Mary had given her heart and life to Jesus and, due to the influence of stories told her by her mother, had formed a secret desire to be a missionary to Calabar. She became not only an active member of her own church but also a zealous worker in several missions. Early in 1874 the news of the death of David Livingstone stirred the land and created a great wave of missionary enthusiasm. The call for workers for Africa thrilled many a heart into action. One of these was Mary Slessor. She offered her services to the Foreign Mission Board, was accepted and brought to Edinburgh for special training. August 5, 1876, she sailed from Liverpool on the steamer Ethiopia. Seeing a large number of casks of spirits being loaded, she exclaimed ruefully: “Scores of casks of rum and only one missionary!”

Soon after landing in Calabar she began to realize the difficulty and seeming impossibility of the work to which she had committed herself. She saw huge, hideous alligators sunning on the mud banks and swimming in the streams. One day her canoe was attacked by a hippopotamus and she saved her life, and the lives of the children with her, by throwing a cooking pot into the gaping jaws. She saw the barracoons where the captured natives were penned until the slave-ships arrived. She found herself in a land where terrified prisoners dipped their hands in boiling oil to test their guilt under some accusation, where wives were strangled or buried alive to go with their dead chief into the spirit-world, where heartless chiefs could order a score of men and women to be beheaded for a cannibal orgy and sell a hundred more into the horrors of slavery. What could one frail, timid woman do, confronted by such an appalling situation? Overwhelmed and depressed, she knelt and prayed, “Lord, the task is impossible for me but not for Thee. Lead the way and I will follow.” Rising, she said, “Why should I fear? I am on a Royal Mission. I am in the service of the King of kings.”

She commenced the study of Efik, the language of the Calabar people, and in time mastered it so that the natives admitted that she could use their tongue better than they themselves could.

What a memorable day it was when she went out on her first “preaching” trip. Two boys carried a drum and beat it to call the people together. Hearing that a white woman was in the vicinity, a great crowd quickly gathered. Her first message to the dark throng of superstitious and barbaric Africans was delivered under the shade of a large tree beside a devil-house built for a dead man’s spirit. After reading John 5:1-24, she spoke in tender tones, dwelling especially on verse 24: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”

In a land of death, she brought a message of life. To souls in deepest sorrow, she brought a message of comfort and hope. To people dwelling in the habitations of cruelty, she spoke of love and kindness. To lives steeped in barbarism and sin, she pointed to the redeeming Lord.

“In Christ,” the missionary says, “we become new creatures. His life becomes ours. Take that word life and turn it over and over and press it and try to measure it, and see what it will yield. Eternal life is a magnificent idea which comprises everything the heart can yearn after. Do not your hearts yearn for this life, this blessed and eternal life, which the Son of God so freely offers?”

“From death in this world unto life in the next,” says Jesus.
“If we be dead with Christ, we shall also live with Him,” says Paul.
“Eternal life comprises everything the heart can yearn after,” says Mary Slessor.

III. The Queen and Her Subjects

Mary wanted to leave the coast and live in the interior, in the midst of the head-hunters and cannibals. When one of the men missionaries went into this district to seek permission to settle, he was captured and narrowly escaped with his life. Nevertheless, Mary determined to go. “I must go forward and onward,” she declared. On the third of August, 1888, she set out on her great adventure. She stepped into the canoe with five native orphans, children she had rescued from death, the oldest a boy of eleven, the youngest a baby in her arms. All day long it rained. Night had fallen when the canoe was pulled up in the river bank. The village of Ekenge, to which they were going, lay four miles back in the forest. Taking the baby in her arms and urging forward the weeping children who were terrified by the darkness and the knowledge that snakes and leopards abounded, Mary struck out along the forest path, leaving the men to follow with the bundles of food and clothing. Soaking wet, hungry and exhausted they waited for the loads to arrive. After awhile news reached her that the men were tired and had gone to sleep in the boat. Exhausted as she was, Mary retraced the four miles through the forest, aroused the sleeping men in the canoe and brought them all on to Ekenge by midnight. It was this indomitable spirit which in subsequent years carried her through a thousand toils and perils where most women would have given up in despair.

The chief liked her brave spirit and gave her permission to stay in the village. She soon made herself quite at home among the people. With her own hands she helped in the building of a mud-walled house. Incredible as it sounds, she went about with bare head and bare feet, lived on native food, drank unfiltered water, slept on the ground, and did many other things that would have quickly brought death to any ordinary person. Two incidents out of a thousand will illustrate how she defied perils and won over the natives with nought but love and courage.

A Journey of Perils

A strange quiet lay over the village by the river and the Calabar people were in great suspense, for the chief was ill and they knew that if he died many of them would be slain to be his attendants in the spirit world. Presently a woman who was a visitor from another village entered the chief’s harem and said to his wives, “Through the forest at Ekenge there lives a white Ma who by her magic can cast out the demons who are killing your chief. She saved my own child and has done many other wonders by the power of her juju. Why don’t you send for her?” The women were eager to do this, for their very lives depended on the chief getting well. When they told the chief about the strange white woman, he ordered: “Send for her at once.”

All through the day the messengers hurried across streams and through the forest till at last, after a journey of eight hours, they came to Ekenge. Coming to Mary’s house they told their mission. She knew that the way was full of perils but she also knew that if the chief died, scores of lives would be sacrificed. “I must go,” she said. Chief Edem tried to restrain her: “There are warriors out in the woods and you will be killed. You must not go.” Ma Eme, a fat African widow who loved Mary, declared, “The rains have come. The streams are deep. The woods are full of wild beasts. You could never get there.” But the missionary lady said, “I must go.”

All through the night she lay awake, wondering if she should go on such a journey with so many risks and only a possibility of saving the sick chief’s life. Early in the morning she knelt, praying that she might know the will of God in the matter. Assured in her heart that her Lord would accompany her, she set out at dawn. All day unceasing torrents of rain fell. Soon it became impossible to walk in her water-soaked boots, so she threw them into the bush and plowed on through the mud with bare feet. On and on she went, her head throbbing with fever, her weak and trembling body being driven forward by a dauntless spirit till, after more than eight hours of walking, she staggered into the house of the sick chief.

Although wet, exhausted, hungry and aching all over from fever, Ma did not lie down for even a moment’s rest but went immediately to the chief who lay unconscious on a mat on the mud floor. After examining him she took from her little medicine chest a certain drug and gave him a dose. She continued to nurse him and the next day, to the astonishment of all the villagers, the chief regained consciousness and took food. Some days later he was quite well and all the people laughed and sang for joy, knowing that there would be no slaying.

In gratitude and wonder they gathered around Mary Slessor and inquired concerning her magic powers. She said to them: “I have come to you because I love and worship Jesus Christ, the Great Physician and Saviour, the Son of the Father God who made all things. I want you to know this Father and to receive the eternal life which Jesus offers to all those with contrite and believing hearts. To know Jesus means to love Him, and with His love in our hearts we love everybody. Eternal life means peace and joy in this world and a wonderful home in the next world. My heart longs for you to believe in Jesus, to walk in His paths, and to know the blessings of eternal life through Him.”

Years passed by and the white Ma’s name was known far and wide. They knew her to be good and brave and kind, but they thought she was mad because she was always rescuing twin babies upon whom rested a curse, according to the Calabar people. She was held in such high esteem, the chiefs often asked her to help them decide quarrels and in palavers between villages she often kept the people from going to war. They thought her notions very strange, but many of them began to realize that her brave and loving spirit came from the great God of whom she spoke so much.

Dangers Defied

One day she received a secret message saying that, in a district far away, a man of one village had wounded the chief of another village and that the warriors of both villages were holding a council of war. “I must go and stop it, else much blood will be spilt and many will be killed,” said Mary Slessor. “No, you cannot,” replied her friends at Ekenge. “You have been ill and can scarcely walk. There are wild beasts lurking in the woods. The warriors are out and will kill you in the dark, not knowing who you are.” “I must go,” she said and quickly made ready. Accompanied by two men with lanterns she set out through the darkness. At midnight she came to a certain village and asked the chief to provide her with a drummer so that people might know, on hearing the drum, that a protected person was travelling.

The chief was surly. “You are going to a warlike people,” he said. “You are likely to get killed on the way. Anyhow, they would not listen to what a woman says.” Mary took this as a challenge. “When you think of the woman’s power,” she said to the chief, “you forget the power of the woman’s God. I shall go on.” Whereupon she plunged into the darkness. The villagers thought she must be mad, to defy their chief, who had the power to kill her, and to go into the forest where at any moment she might be killed by ferocious leopards or by savages infuriated by anger and by drink.

At dawn she came to the place where a large company of warriors were preparing to assault a village. She was too weary to walk, but her attendants shouted, “Run, Ma, Run!” She heard wild yells and the roll of war drums. Running as fast as she could, she caught up with the maddened warriors and demanded that they desist from fighting. Stunned by her courage, they hesitated, while she walked boldly toward a regiment of fierce savages standing in the village ready to fight. Drawing near she called out, “I have come to help you settle this matter peaceably and justly. There is no need to shed many lives.” Just then, to her amazement, an old chief stepped toward her and knelt down at her feet! “Ma,” he said, “we are glad you came. We admit that one of our drunken young men wounded the chief over there. It was an act in which the rest of us had no part. We are glad for you to speak with our enemy and help make peace.”

Looking into the man’s face, she saw to her joy that this was the very chief who was about to die several years before and whom she had cured by going on that long, dangerous journey through the forest in the rain. How glad she was that she had gone and that now she could be a peacemaker between the two parties of wild savages, who, if she had not come, would have fought to the death.

IV. The Queen’s Final Coronation

Though stricken with fever, diarrhea, and other diseases scores of times, she toiled on in Calabar for nearly forty years.

Repeatedly she moved deeper into the interior to take redemption’s sweet story to new tribes and new areas. “Anywhere, provided it be forward” was an oft-repeated saying of hers. Her house was filled with orphans, upon whom she lavished the love of her motherly heart. She had a string running from her cot to the hammock of each of the twenty-five or thirty little ones, so that, whenever one of them began to fret or cry in the night — as often happened — she could pull the right string and swing the youngster to sleep.

She supervised the building of a new house every time she moved. The earlier houses were very simple structures. Eventually she built a house with a cement floor. When an incredulous visitor inquired how she managed to mix the cement, she replied, “All I did was to stir it like porridge and pray!”

During an epidemic of smallpox the people fled in terror of the dread disease. Ma nursed and fed the forsaken victims, tenderly pointed them to Jesus, and, without assistance, buried the many who died. In a letter describing her experiences she wrote: “It is not easy. But Christ is here and I am always satisfied and happy in His love.”

Miss Slessor worked from cock-crow till star-shine. And what was the grand object of all her striving and ordeals? One who knew her well stated, “It was for souls she was always hungering.” One night she walked twelve miles through the bush to reach a dying woman and rescue her twins from death. As life ebbed away, the poor woman who had experienced so much of cruelty as a slave and the disgrace of giving birth to twins, listened wistfully as Mary told of a Saviour’s love and of a heaven of happiness to be forever her portion, if in sincerity she would heed the gracious invitation of Mary’s favorite text: “He that heareth my words and believeth … is passed from death unto life.”

Mary rescued hundreds of twin babies thrown out into the forest, prevented many wars, stopped the practice of trying to determine guilt by the poison ordeal, healed the sick, and unweariedly told the people about the great God of love whose Son came to earth to die on the cross that poor sinful human beings might have eternal life. The Master she loved and served so ardently crowned her labors by permitting her to establish a number of churches and to see hundreds of erstwhile savages partake of the sacred emblems of their Saviour’s death.

Shortly before her death, January 13, 1915, she said to her twins, now grown to young manhood and womanhood: “Never talk about the cold hand of death. It is the hand of Christ. For I am persuaded, with the apostle Paul, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Another time she said, “The time of the singing of birds is where Christ is.” For Mary Slessor, the winter was past, the tempests were over and the time of the singing of the birds had come. At the last she was thinking of the love of Christ and the glories of life eternal.

Mary Slessor, the Queen of Calabar, was constrained to offer to her Lord her very best, and with gladness she broke the alabaster box of her consecrated life and gave the precious ointment to Him for the redemption of many in Africa. “Life is so grand and eternity is so real,” she had said. When she crossed over the river, she carried an armful of precious sheaves, gathered amidst much toil and tribulation, and she received from the hand of her adored Lord the soul-winner’s “crown of rejoicing.”

by Eugene Myers Harrison

Isobel Selina Miller Kuhn

Isobel Selina Miller Kuhn
December 17, 1901 – March 20, 1957

“Over my dead body!” cried her mother

Isobel’s heart was moved as she listened to J.O. Fraser’s plea for workers to come and share the gospel with the Lisu people of China. She sat attentively as she learned of the Lisu who had not heard of the living God who loved them and Jesus who could save them from the judgment of their sin. In fact, the Lisu didn’t even have a word for forgiveness, mercy, repent, compassion, or justice in their language.

On the other hand, there were hundreds of words to describe the most efficient way to skin a person alive. Living in fear of spirits, the Lisu were extremely superstitious, using mediums to contact the spirits and practicing witchcraft to appease them. Brokenhearted for these people she had never met, she told the Lord, “I’m not a man- but I’d go! Oh, I’d go!”

Only a few years prior, Isobel Miller (often called Belle) would never have dreamed of leaving the comforts of home to share Christ with those who had not heard. It was the Roaring Twenties, and Belle was enjoying every minute of it. A sweet and popular honor student at the University of British Colombia, she was making a name for herself both in the theater and through dance. Belle was born on December 17th, 1901 in Toronto Canada. Although both her parents were Christians, her dad even being a lay Presbyterian preacher, Belle was a self-declared agnostic after being patronized publicly by one of her professors for believing the creation story. After an emotional breakup with a young man whom she had once hoped to marry, Belle began to spiral into depression and recognize that the world could not bring her joy. One night, Belle contemplated suicide, but instead cried out to God to give her peace. It was through this that she began to turn back to the Christian faith and came to know Jesus as her Lord and mature in her faith.

Now, in 1924, her encounter with Fraser had left her unable to return to the ordinary. She explained to her parents her desire to reach the Lisu, only to have them regard this desire as fanatical, and even selfish. “Over my dead body!” cried her mother. Her mother, the president of the Women’s Missionary Society for many years, was not opposed to missionaries- just opposed to her daughter being a missionary. Her parents had done all they could to give their daughter the finest education and provide her with the greatest comforts, and yet now she was throwing it all away. Not only did they view this as ungrateful, but Belle was currently the only breadwinner for the family, her brother being unemployed and her dad having lost his life savings in a bad business venture. Unexpectedly Belle lost her mother during an operation, but learned that the night before her death; her mother had told a friend that Belle had “chosen the best way.”

Belle continued in obedience to what she knew God had called her. She packed her bags and headed to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. While she was there, a young man named John Kuhn caught her attention. They were opposites to be certain. Belle was passionate and impulsive, and John was prudent and full of common sense. Yet they both had the same vision and heart for China. In 1926, John left for China with China Inland Mission (CIM), but they continued to write each other for 2 years while Belle stayed in Canada as God prepared her for the foreign field. In 1928, after CIM’s requested 2 years of new missionaries staying single, Belle headed to China to be married to John.

After arriving in China, John and Belle first settled down in Chengchiang for the first couple years of their marriage, although “settling” may not be the appropriate word. Belle probably would have described them as quite uncomfortable. The Lord taught Belle just what dying to herself looked like. Unaccustomed to the diet, the customs, the lack of personal space, and all the while adjusting to the life of a newlywed, Belle was faced with the cost of leaving the comforts of home. She was elated that she was able to share the gospel with the first visitors into her home, but sat horrified when one of the Chinese women blew her nose onto Belle’s nice quilt, while another allowed her child to spit up all over her nice rug. After choking down her frustration, she immediately realized that her valued belongs needed to go, or else she was tempted to value her possessions over the people themselves. Although constantly struggling to die to self, as Belle and John would travel in the villages and preach, she would watch the Chinese hearing the gospel for the first time and remember it was all worth it.

The Kuhn’s then moved to Tali, Yunnan from 1930-1932 and then to Yongping, Yunnan from 1932-1934 under the mentorship of J.O. Fraser. They continued to do itinerary work sharing the gospel as well as training new missionaries to go into unevangelized areas. In 1934, the Kuhn’s finally arrived in Lisuland; 10 years after Belle first had her heart set to go to the Lisu. They learned that during the rainy season, the Lisu villages practically came to a stand still. Belle took advantage of this time and set up the Rainy Season Bible School, teaching the gospel and the very basics of Christianity to the Lisu. As people began coming to know Christ, she trained them and sent them out to surrounding Lisu villages that had not yet heard the gospel. Thanks to the Rainy Season Bible School, the Lisu Christians were also missions minded crossing into other tribes with which they had once warred in order to share the gospel

Although there were certainly difficult times, Isobel saw incredible fruit amongst the Lisu people. In 1950, during the communist takeover of China, Belle and her family were forced to flee over the snowy mountainous pass into Burma. At the time of their escape, 16 years after the Kuhn’s began working among the Lisu, 3,400 of the 18,000 Lisu were believers and 7 other tribes had been evangelized directly by Lisu missionaries. Today, there are 200,000 Lisu Christians- part of the legacy left by Isobel and other missionaries laboring among the Lisu.

After leaving China at the age of 50, Isobel had a decision to make, whether or not to continue to work among the Lisu that were living in Northern Thailand. As she wrestled with the decision, she cried out “Lord, I’m tired! I’m 50. In the past 20 years I’ve seen wars, I’ve been separate for months and even years from my husband and children, I’ve been sick to the point of death. Going to Thailand would mean learning a new language and a new place and a new culture. I want to sit in a rocking chair on a porch somewhere and rest!”

She felt the Lord gently respond, “Belle, do you really choose ease?” That was enough to get Isobel back to the Lisu, where she labored the rest of her life.

Isobel’s life is a reminder that God has proven Himself sufficient for those who have gone before us in reaching the nations with the Gospel of Christ. Isobel was used by the Lord not because she was or flawless or better trained or less apt to selfishness, but because she considered Him worthy of her life and responded in precious obedience.

“I need men. Consecrated men, men willing to live a lonely life for Christ,
willing to suffer and do without the comforts of civilization.”

How to restore the system icons in system tray

1.Click Start Collapse this imageExpand this image, type regedit in the Start Search box or the Serach programs and files box, and then press ENTER.

Collapse this imageExpand this imageIf you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
2.Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify3.In the Details pane, click the IconStreams registry entry.
4.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes.
5.In the Details pane, click the PastIconsStream registry entry.
6.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes.
7.Exit Registry Editor.
8.Restart the Explorer.exe process. To do these, follow these steps:
•On the Processes tab in Task Manager, click the explorer.exe process, and then click End Process two times.
•On the File menu, click New Tasks (Run), type explorer, and then click OK.
•Exit Task Manager.
9.If you are running Windows 7, follow these additional steps:
•Click StartCollapse this imageExpand this image, type Customize icons and then click Customize icons on the task bar.
•Click Turn system icons on or off, and then set Volume, Network, and Power System to On.
•Click OK, make sure that the behavior for Power, Network, and Volume are set correctly, and then click OK.