












內容簡介: 难泯岁月 — 我和上海地方教会及倪柝声(简体版) 许梅骊医师 倪柝声领导的中国地方教会是二十世纪中国教会史中的重要篇章。对它成 ? 探索的经验及惨烈失败的教训的认真反思,都将成为宝贵的属灵遗产,为今日教会所借鉴。然而历史的迷雾为反思带来了极大的困难。本书作者青年时代在上海地方教会受洗,此后在地方教会经历了轰轰烈烈的风波。她追求过、崇拜过、惊憟过、跌倒过、冷淡过,而最终在神长阔高深的恩典中又重新委身。她以极大的勇气,以自己的经历及对地方教会历史孜孜不倦的求索,对这场属灵运动进行了历史的反思,目的是为今日教会及基督徒提供一个积极的、切身的启迪和警戒。本书是一份以难得的视角所作的珍贵记录与思考。 作者:许梅骊 Lily M. Hsu, M.D.


When You Want To Know God’s Will – F. B. Meyer

When You Want To Know God’s Will

One night the famous Bible teacher F.B. Meyer stood on the deck of a ship approaching land. As they guided the vessel in, he wondered how the crew knew when to to safely steer towards the dock. It was a stormy night, and visibility was low. Meyer, standing on the bridge and peering through the window, asked “Captain, “How do you know when to turn this ship into that narrow harbor?”

“That’s an art,” replied the captain. Do you see those three red lights on the shore? When they are all in a straight line, I go right in!”

Later, F.B Meyer wrote, “When we want to know God’s will, there are three things which always need to line up, the inward impulse, the Word of God, and the trend of circumstances. Never act until these three things agree.”

I think one of the most asked questions today by Christians is “How do I know God’s will for my life?”

Never doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light. There are certain truths you know to be right that God has shown you in your life, but often when faced with a time of darkness, we doubt these truths. When seeking God’s will for your life, always keep this in mind. The Bible teaches us not to “lean on our own understanding.”

This is where most of us get in trouble. Fear often demands that we make sense of everything right now, when God is teaching us something through the trial. Many answers are not known until He reveals His purpose at the end of that difficult season. My experience with God is that He sometimes works outside of our own understanding making and molding our lives so that our will becomes His.

I like F.B. Meyer’s advice on seeking God’s will. Examine your inward impulses, seek the Word of God on the subject, and examine the circumstances that are outside of your control to see where your control ends and where His leading begins.

A Spiritual Autobiography of Jessie Penn Lewis

The Leading of the Lord

A Spiritual Autobiography

I was brought up in the very heart of the religious life of Wales, for my grandfather was a Welsh Divine, well known throughout the Principality in his day; and my father’s house was a rendezvous for the ministers as they passed hither and thither on their Master’s work. My childhood’s memories gather round their visits and the great meetings of the Sunday-schools, when often I sat as a tiny child in the midst of the grave elders in the “big pew” listening with intense interest to the “hwyl” of the minister. “The mercy of the Lord is … unto children’s children”; but as it often is with children brought up in the midst of religious surroundings, the true inward change of heart did not come until I had married and moved away to England. Then it occurred without the aid of any human instrument, but the day – New Year’s Day- and the hour are imprinted on my mind.

Only a deep, inward desire to know that I was a child of God; a taking down of my (too little read) Bible from the shelf; a turning over the leaves, and the eye falling on the words, “The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all”; again, a casual turn of the sacred pages, and the words, “He that believeth hath eternal life. A quick facing out whether I did believe that God had laid my sins upon the Lamb of God on the Cross; a pause of wonderment that it really said that I had eternal life if I simply believed God’s Word; a quick cry of “Lord I do believe” – and one more soul had passed from death to life, a trophy of the grace of God, and the love of Him Who died. The Spirit of God instantly bore witness with my spirit that I was a child of God, and deep peace filled my soul.

The beginning of “Leading of the Lord”

By Jessie Penn Lewis

Written for “The Christian” in 1903