Delete layers in ACAD

Maintenance of files is a must. There are many times when extra items clutter up a file. Sometimes weird things happen, empty layers won’t go away. They can’t be deleted or purged. The LAYDEL command will get rid of most layers and any objects on that layer. It won’t delete a locked layer! It is often a good idea to protect your layers, or the objects on that layer. Great tip.

How to restore ‘My Pictures’ folder

1. In “My Documents” create a new folder called “My Pictures”.
Open Notepad and copy and paste the following:

PersonalizedName=My Pictures

In ‘owner=your name’, change ‘your name’ to the name of your account.
Go to > File > Save As
1. In the “Save in” box select the ‘My Pictures’ folder
2. In the “File Name” section, enter Desktop.ini
3. From the “Save as Type” drop down list, select “all files”

2. Open the Run Box and type “cmd” then enter.

In the command window copy and paste these commands, one at a time.

reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags
reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU

Log Off, Log On.

3. Click Start, Run and type:

rundll32 mydocs.dll,PerUserInit

Press {ENTER}

This creates a new My Pictures folder with the special icon.

Unable to view PDF file in browser

Unable to view PDF file in browser

This error occurs when a large PDF file is opened in a browser window instead of in Adobe Reader. Making the changes below to both the browser and Reader settings will enable you to open the file.

Adobe Reader:

1. Click Start and go to the Programs list.

2. Find and open Adobe Reader.

3. In Adobe, go to the Edit menu and select Preferences.

4. Under ‘Internet’, make sure the box for ‘Display PDF in browser’ is unchecked. Click OK to save your changes.

Internet Explorer:

1. Go to the Tools menu and click on ‘Manage Add-ons’.

2. Click on the drop down menu “Show” to display “All Add-ons”.

3. Select Adobe PDF Reader and click the Disable button.


1. Go to the Tools menu and click on ‘Options’.

2. Click on the Applications tab.

3. Find Adobe Acrobat Document and change the preferred action to ‘Always Ask’* or ‘Use Adobe Reader’.

* ‘Always Ask’ means every time you click on a link to open a PDF, you will be prompted for a response as to how you’d like the file to be handled

How to Stop MSN Messenger Automatically Loading

This tip works with Windows 2000 and XP using all versions of MSN Messenger.

MSN Messenger always loads automatically when visiting Hotmail and/or other related web sites.

But you can prevent this from happening by hacking the Registry.
Open Regedit and go to:


Start by backing up this Registry key, in case you want to reenable it for some reason in the future.

Delete the entire line which displays the path to MSMSGS.EXE from the “(Default)” String Value: double-click on it -> delete the entire Value data line -> click OK or hit Enter.
Close Regedit.

MSN Messenger will stop loading from now on.”

To prevent MSN Messenger from loading/running in Win2000/XP, run Regedit and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Mes senger\Client

Create if not present or modify if present these two DWORD [REG_DWORD] Values in the right hand pane: right-click on an empty spot -> select New -> Key -> DWORD -> name them “PreventAutoRun” and “PreventRun” (don’t type the quotes) respectively -> right-click on each one and type 1 in the Decimal box -> click OK -> exit the Registry Editor.
These settings will take effect after the first reboot.

To stop MSN Messenger from loading automatically upon every WinXP startup: click the Start button -> click Run… -> type msconfig -> click OK or hit Enter -> click Startup tab -> remove the check mark next to Windows Messenger -> close Msconfig -> restart Windows.

Note that this way Messenger still loads when called upon by other apps like Outlook, Outlook Express or Hotmail (MSN) web access.

To stop MSN Messenger from loading automatically upon every WinXP startup: click the Start button -> click Run… -> type gpedit.msc (Group Policy Editor) -> click OK or hit Enter -> select Per Machine Restriction -> Computer Configuration -> Adminstrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Messenger -> change from automatic to manual or disable it. Then: Per User Restriction -> User Configuration -> Adminstrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Messenger -> change from automatic to manual or disable it -> exit GPE -> restart Windows.

In case after doing this Outlook or Outlook Express takes too long to open, you need to also:

MS Outlook Express -> Tools -> Options -> General tab -> turn off Messenger Support.

MS Outlook -> Tools -> Options -> Other -> turn off Messenger Support.

To prevent MSN Messenger from automatically signing in using a registered Microsoft Passport account: click the Start button -> click Run… -> type control userpasswords2 -> hit Enter or click OK -> click Advanced tab -> select Manage Passwords -> delete all Passport entries -> click OK/Apply.

Then run MSN Messenger -> sign in -> type your passport, e-mail address and password -> uncheck the “Sign me in automatically” box -> save your settings and close MSN Messenger.

“To permanently disable MSN Messenger when using Outlook (Express) or Hotmail web site, simply rename the C:\Program Files\Messenger folder to Messenger-OFF! (example).

This will effectively shut down Messenger, but not interfere with the loading of Outlook

TCP/IP Error

When going on internet through Chrome, got this message:

This webpage is not available.

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

More information on this error
Below is the original error message

Error 2 (net::ERR_FAILED): Unknown error.


1. Delete two registry keys

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2

2. Locate this file:


3. Open ‘network and sharing center’, locate ‘Properties’, install a protocol by ‘having disk’, make sure to install the ‘TCP/IPv6’and ‘TCP/IPv4’.

A Chinese Proverb

Tell me and I forgot. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.


How to Enter a Line Break Within a Cell

How to Enter a Line Break Within a Cell

You can control the line breaks for multiple-line headings or labels in your Microsoft Excel worksheet, just like you do in Microsoft Word. Here’s how to do it.

1.Click the cell where you want the label or heading to appear.
2.Type the first line of information.
3.Press ALT+ENTER.
4.Type the second line. Then repeat step 3 if you have additional lines to enter.
5.Press ENTER when you’ve finished typing.

Query Posts

Use this:


By using $query_string you are keep the original query (all posts in a particular month), and then adding the posts_per_page parameter to it. If you don’t add that, what you’re doing is replacing the original query for a new query with whatever parameters you use.

To delete a user profile in XP

To delete a user profile

You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to complete this procedure. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may also prevent you from completing this procedure.

1. Open System in Control Panel.
2. On the Advanced tab, under User Profiles, click Settings.
3. Under Profiles stored on this computer, click the user profile you want to delete, and then click Delete.

• To open System, click Start, click Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.

Installin WAMP Server to run PHP

Installin WAMP Server to run PHP:

1.Goto and download WAMP Server.

2.Just install it like other softwares by just clicking next next…

3.Now go to START menu of windows and start wampserver.
Generally, the path is Start -> WapmServer -> start WampServer

4.Open your web browser and type http://localhost (or )
If you see a default WampServer home page, you installation is success.

5.Now put your php code in www folder in your wamp installation directory.
Usually this is C:\wamp\www

6.Now type http://localhost/filename.php in your browser. (where filename is your php file name)

It will execute your php code. Be sure to have not start up when Windows starts, you can always turn it on manually when you need it.

Stuck in Viewport Zoom

Stuck in Viewport zoom

How to toggle off the zoom when in a viewport in paperspace?

Typically, double click along the view port to get out of the zoom mode.

However, sometimes it gets zoomed in too closely and can not get a hold of the view port.

Solution: type ‘ps’ will get it back to Paper space. ‘ms’ gets back to viewport.

How To Uninstall Windows Presentation Foundation Plugin In Firefox

How To Uninstall Windows Presentation Foundation Plugin In Firefox

The Security patch released: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-054 – Critical: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (974455)
Will stop the exploit of this Firefox vulnerability
But from reading more about this issue, and I note that I had to go to Google to find clearer information to do this)
It would seem that no one wants this installed in Firefox in the first place !
And not only that, but it was an automatic install by Microsoft in February this year (imagine that)

Here’s the uninstall procedure for Firefox users:
Note: Windows 7 users just need to uninstall the Firefox pluggin normally

Close all Firefox browsers
Start > Run > c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Windows Presentation Foundation
Right click on NPWPF.dll, and rename it to NPWPF.OLD
Restart your computer

Start > Run > Regedit
Right click on:,version=3.5
Select “Export”
Give it a name like “BadPluggin” in the Save Box, then select Save button
Right click on:,version=3.5 again
Select “Delete”
Restart your computer

How to restore the system icons in system tray

1.Click Start Collapse this imageExpand this image, type regedit in the Start Search box or the Serach programs and files box, and then press ENTER.

Collapse this imageExpand this imageIf you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
2.Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify3.In the Details pane, click the IconStreams registry entry.
4.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes.
5.In the Details pane, click the PastIconsStream registry entry.
6.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes.
7.Exit Registry Editor.
8.Restart the Explorer.exe process. To do these, follow these steps:
•On the Processes tab in Task Manager, click the explorer.exe process, and then click End Process two times.
•On the File menu, click New Tasks (Run), type explorer, and then click OK.
•Exit Task Manager.
9.If you are running Windows 7, follow these additional steps:
•Click StartCollapse this imageExpand this image, type Customize icons and then click Customize icons on the task bar.
•Click Turn system icons on or off, and then set Volume, Network, and Power System to On.
•Click OK, make sure that the behavior for Power, Network, and Volume are set correctly, and then click OK.

Cannot move dialog box/window (header not visible)

Cannot move dialog box/window (header not visible)
Only part of dialog box is visible but dialog header is outside visible view, there is no way to resize the view in order to make the header visible.
How to move the dialog to a different position?

Product: MicroStation
Version: V8 2004

Long Description:

mouse pointer on outer edge of dialog and click/drag

to move the dialog to a new position:
– move the mouse pointer on top of any of the visible outer edges of the dialog
– keep the shift key of your keyboard suppressed (only for old windows versions)
– click the left mouse button (and keep it suppressed)
– drag the box to a different position

How to convert htm to PDF without Header/Footer

Actually I did find a solution. Someone from the adobe users forum was able to shed some light on it. It’s a bit of a quirk it seems with that version.
Basically, before I could use the “create pdf from multiple files” option, I had to use the “create from web page option” and basically create a dummy pdf. During that process, there is a checkbox option that let’s you turn off the headers/footers on the page.

For some reason, you can’t just check that and then use the multiple files option, you have to go through the whole create from web page process. Once you do that, the setting “sticks” and you can then go through the “create from multiple files option” and voila…no stupid headers/footers (of course, you then have to go back and delete the dummy pdf you created earlier).

A bit of a PITA, but it works.

How to Turn off the print notification in Windows XP

Turning off the print notification

1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
2. Click “Printers and Faxes.”
If your Start Menu is in Classic mode, you will need to click
“Settings” and then “Printers and Faxes.”
3. Click the File menu in the Printer and Faxes window that appeared.
4. Click “Server Properties.”
5. Click the Advanced tab in the Print Server Properties window that appeared.
6. Uncheck “Show informational notifications for local printers.”
This will disable notification messages for printers directly
connected to the computer.
7. Uncheck “Show informational notifications for network printers.”
This will disable notification messages for printers that are shared
on the network.
8. Uncheck “Notify when remote documents are printed.”
9. Click “OK” in the Print Server Properties window.
10. Close the Printers and Faxes Window