作基督的见证(五)To Be A Witness of Christ (6) - 徐兴言长老系列讲道集

作基督的见证(六)To Be A Witness of Christ (6)
基督再来 The Second Coming of Christ

一. 主再来是确定的
Assurance of the second coming of Christ

To complete the salvation of believers

He is Christ, who will be glorified and is coming again

Foretold by the prophets and the apostles

二. 主再来时发生的事件
What will happen at the second coming of Christ

1.地上七年大灾难 (Matt 24: 21)
Seven years of great tribulation

2.在主里死了的人要复活 (1 Thess 4: 16)
Dead in Christ will rise

3.还活着的基督徒要被提 (1 Thess 4: 17)
Believers alive shall be caught up to meet Christ

4.以色列全家得救 (Rom 11: 26)
All Israel shall be saved

5.敌基督及其仆从被消灭 (Rev 19: 19-21)
The Antichrist and his followers will be destroyed

6.基督审判万民 (Matt 25: 31-46)
Christ sits upon the throne to judge the nations

7.撒旦被捆绑,扔入无底坑 (Rev 20: 1-2)
Satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit

8.基督的国在地上出现 (Rev 11: 15)
Christ will establish His kingdom on earth

三. 信徒的责任和主的警告
Our responsibilities and the Lord’s warnings

1.信徒的责任 (Mark 13: 32-37)
Our responsibilities

(1) 作工 Work
(2) 儆醒 Watch
(3) 祷告 Pray

2.主的警告 (Luke 21: 34)
The Lord’s warnings

(1) 贪食 Carousing
(2) 醉酒 Drunkenness
(3) 今生的思虑 Worry

四. 应用 Applications

The day of judgment --- For sinners, it is eternal torment; For saints, it is deliverance

Walk in the light of holiness

Work faithfully and give testimony to Jesus Christ

Watch and pray always, keep the mind sensitive to what is going on