作基督的见证(一)To Be A Witness of Christ (1)
见证人的性格 The Character of Witness (Luke 6:20-49)

一. 生活价值观 Lifestyle (6: 20-26)

Life involves choices, every choice has both benefits (blessings) and a price to pay

2.有份于主的忧患, 不追求世界暂时的快乐
To identify with Jesus as His disciples means adopting His lifestyle

3.学习以神的眼光来看事物, 看重天上永远的
Pursue the eternal things rather than the earthly temporary things

二. 爱 Love (6: 27-38)

To be a lover

To be a blesser

To be a giver

三. 真实 Truth (6: 39-45)

To live life by a higher and better standard

2.更好的看见来自自我省察, 认识自己
A better vision comes from self-judgment

A better quality of our behavior (fruit) is out of our hearts

四. 顺服 Obedience (6: 46-49)

1.现在遵行不易行的事, 是为将来的艰难预备信心
Doing the hard thing now gives confidence in the hard times ahead

2.顺从主耶稣爱仇敌的命令, 是使自己被建造在磐石上
Obey our Lord’s commands (love our enemies), and we will be well established