Christ and Believers(3)

一. 信徒是神的儿女 Believers are the children of God

Beloved children—Know God’s love and draw near to Him (I John 3:1)

2.至高者的儿子---有份于神的性情,对人恩慈宽恕 (路加福音6:35)
Children of the Most High—Be partakers of God’s nature; be good to others (Luke 6:35)

3.光明的儿女---行在光中,结出良善公义诚实的果子 (以弗所书5:8)
Children of light---The fruits of light are goodness, Righteousness and truth (Eph.5:8)

4.顺服的儿女---顺服神的旨意,顺服父母(彼前1 :14)
Children of obedience--- Obey God’s will and our parents(1 Pet 1 :14)

二. 信徒是基督的门徒 Believers are the disciples of Christ

1.门徒是学生,是跟随者(马太福音 11:29)
A disciple is willing to learn and a follower(Matt. 11:29)

2.门徒的特点:舍己,背十字架,天天跟随( 路加福音 9:23)
The characteristics of a disciple: deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Him(Luke 9:23)

3.门徒的记号:爱 (约翰福音14:21)
The mark of a disciple: love (John 14:21)

三. 信徒是圣灵的殿(哥林多前书 6:19) Believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.6:19)

not quench the Spirit and do not grieve the Holy Spirit

The power of the Spirit will preserve us from many snares

3.爱护自己身体,为主所用,荣耀祂(哥林多前书 6:20)
Take care of your body and glorify God in it(1 Cor.6:20)