
合一的秘诀:谦卑(Phil 2:1-11)
The Key to Unity: Humility (Phil 2:1-11)

A call to unity--- Why Christians must be united in the Lord

  1. 我们都经历了神的恩典和眷顾--- 基督的鼓勵,父神的慈愛,圣灵的交通
    All Christians have experienced God’s care and grace--- encouragement in Christ; love of the Father; fellowship of the Spirit

  2. 我们若能彼此同心,世人就认出我们是基督的门徒了
    When we are united in spirit, the people will know that we are the disciples of Christ

二. 合一的秘诀:谦卑
The key of unity: humility

  1. 什么不是谦卑?自私的志向,虚荣心
    The opposites of humility: selfish ambition and vanity

  2. 谦卑的心态:各人看别人比自己重要
    The mindset of humility: we are to treat the other person as more important than ourselves

三. 谦卑和升高的基督
The humbled and exalted Christ

  1. 默想基督的谦卑
    Meditating on the humility of Christ

    1. 基督与谁同等?父神
      With whom was our Lord equal? God the Father

    2. 基督存心卑微是为谁的益处?父神
      Whose interest did our Lord subordinate His own? God the Father

    3. 基督的态度和行为要达到什么目的?荣耀归与父神
      Is the intended goal of our Lord’s attitude and actions? to the Glory of God the Father

  2. 基督虚己(倒空自己)并不是放弃神性,而是放弃自己的利益
    The meaning of Christ emptying of Himself: He didn’t cease to be God, but divested Himself of self-interest

  3. 基督升为至高是因祂先降卑和顺服
    The exaltation and glorification of our Lord by the Father, due to His humility and obedience