
基督徒的生死观(Phil 1:21-30)
Christian’s Perspective on Life and Death (Phil 1:21-30)

一. 从圣经来看基督徒的死
Think about the death of Christians in the light of Bible

  1. 地上的帐棚拆毁了(林后 5:1)
    Our earthly house (the tent) is destroyed

  2. 在耶稣里睡了帖前 4:14)
    Sleeping in Jesus

  3. 离开身体与主同在(林后 5:8)
    Absent from the body to be present with the Lord

二. 保罗的格言-因我活着就是基督,死了就有益处(Phil 1:21)
Paul’s motto---For to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain

  1. 活着就是基督―活出基督在地上时的生命
    To live is Christ--- to live out the life of Christ as He lived on this earth

  2. 死了就有益处-完全得着神在永恒里为我们预备的福份
    To die is gain--- to receive the eternal blessings of God after this life is over

  3. 保罗处在两难之间,不知如何选择生或死
    Knowing not which to choose, Paul was hard-pressed between life or death

三. 我们今天的责任-生活行为与所信的福音相称
Our responsibilities---let our conduct be worthy of the gospel

  1. 基督的福音是基督徒行为的一个新的,更高的标准
    The gospel is a new and higher standard of conduct for Christians

  2. 为福音齐心努力,必须同心合意
    In order to strive together for the gospel, we must unite in one spirit and one soul