
Christ Shall Be Magnified (Phil.1:12-20)

一. 基督被显明---保罗的捆锁
Christ shall be manifested through the imprisonment of Paul

  1. 在神的旨意中,保罗被监禁反而叫福音兴旺
    By God’s will, Paul’s imprisonment was beneficial to the advancement of the gospel

  2. 福音在意想不到的地方(御营)显明
    The imperial guards discovered that Paul’s confinement was for the sake of the gospel

二. 基督被传开---不同存心的传福音的人
Christ’s words will be preached through different kinds of preachers

  1. 有的出於好意与爱心,放胆传讲神的道
    Some are preaching the gospel out of love and goodwill, boldly and without fear

  2. 有的出於嫉妒纷争,结党,不诚实的心
    Some are preaching the gospel out of envy, hatred, and a dishonest heart

  3. 保罗为基督被传开就喜乐
    Paul was full of joy because the gospel was preached

三. 基督被显大---保罗的信心和盼望
Christ shall be magnified through Paul’s faith and hope

  1. 保罗的信心基于圣徒的祈祷和圣灵的帮助
    The basis of Paul’s faith: the prayers of the saints and the support of the Holy Spirit

  2. 保罗的盼望:终必得救
    Paul’s hope: he had confidence in his vindication

  3. 保罗的心志:总叫基督显大
    Paul’s goal: glorify God whether in life or death

四. 应用

  1. 服事神的人有时不免摻杂肉体和自私的动机
    God’s servants are never completely free from impure motivations

  2. 不要让困苦艰难夺去我们的喜乐
    Do not allow adversity to rob us of the joy in the Lord

  3. 当神在施行祂的旨意時,祂不只限於使用动机单纯,生活敬虔的圣徒
    God does not only use the godly Christians, but also the Christians who need His help to accomplished His will.