防备假教师(2Pet. 2)
Be Aware of False Teachers
The characteristics of false teachers
- 藐视权柄—不接受主和圣经的权柄,连买他们的主也不承认
Despise authority—disregarded the authority of the Lord and the Scripture; even denying the Lord who bought them
- 放纵肉体的情欲
Walk after the flesh in unbridled lust
- 胆大--自以为是,狂傲,公开与真里对抗
Bold—defiant, openly resisting
- 任性—随心所欲,只顾自己
Self-centered—cares only for himself and not God or man
二. 神能拯救受试探的基督徒
The Lord is able to deliver the righteous from the temptations put before them by false teachers
- 神保护挪亞一家八口经过洪水
God preserved Noah and seven others during the time God completely judged the world
- 神搭救义人罗得离开将要毁灭的所多玛
The Lord rescued (dragged out) the righteous Lot from Sodom before the city was burned
三. 警告跟从假教师的人
A warning to the followers of false teachers
- 假教师最终必落在神的审判下
False teachers will ultimately come under the punitive judgment of the almighty God
- 假教师的跟随者末后的景况必比先前更不好
The circumstances of the followers of false teachers deteriorate (they end up worse than they begun)
四. 分辨异端的五个要点
A Five distinguishing points of heresies
- 异端拥有圣经以外的权威来源(左手中的“圣经”)
They proclaim there are other revelations beside the Bible (bible in left-hand)
- 异端拒绝惟独藉恩典称义的真理
They do not accept the truth of justification by grace alone
- 异端贬低基督的身位
They diminish the person and the nature of Christ, and deny His deity
- 异端认为他们是唯一得救的团体
They proclaim that only their organization is saved
- 异端认为他们将来在国度里居显赫的地位
They declare they have the prominent place in the future kingdom