
万物的结局近了(1Pet 4:1-19)
The End of All Things is Near

Arm ourselves with the mind of Christ who suffered for us

  1. 一个心志:受苦的心志,为要与罪隔绝,行神旨意
    One mind: the mind of Christ who suffered for us in order that we may cease from sin and do the will of God

  2. 两种时间:余下的时间,过去的时间
    Two kinds of time: the rest of time and the time past

  3. 两种旨意:神的,外邦人的
    Two kinds of will: God’s and the Gentiles’

  4. 审判活人死人的主
    The Lord who will judge the living and the dead

二. 万物的结局近了,基督徒该有的态度(4:7-11)
      What are our attitudes as the end of all things is near?

  1. 谨慎,儆醒,祷告
    Seriousness, watch, prayer

  2. 彼此切实相爱
    Keep fervent love for one another

  3. 互相接待,不发怨言
    Happy hospitality

  4. 照所领受的恩赐(话语,服事)彼此服事
    Serve with the spiritual gifts (speaking, serving) received from God

三. 明白苦难在基督徒生命中的意义(4:12-19)
       Understand the meaning of the suffering in Christians’ life

  1. 为基督受苦要欢喜,因与基督一同受苦
    Rejoice as you partake in the sufferings of Christ

  2. 在受苦中不要羞耻,要看到神和祂的荣耀
    Let us be not ashamed as a Christian and look unto the Lord and His Glory

  3. 苦难是神审判世界过程的一部分,先从神的家开始
    The judgment of God should begin from the house of God, and the suffering is a part of the process for the judgment

  4. 将自己交托给那信实的创造主
    Let us entrust our souls to the faithful Creator