
The Pilgrims’ Honourable Living

True spirituality related to our hope of heaven

  1. 我们在地上是客旅,寄居的
    We are sojourners and pilgrims

  2. 里面的敬虔---禁戒肉体的私欲
    Inward piety---keeps away from fleshly lusts

  3. 外面的敬虔---因好行为,引人归向基督
    Outward piety --- By our good works we might point others to Christ

二. 顺服政权的理由(v.13-17)
The reasons of submission to authorities

  1. 为主的缘故---权柄都是神设立的,为众人的益处(v.13, Rom.13:1)
    For the Lord’s sake --- all authorities are ordained by God for men’s good

  2. 神的旨意---基督徒行善可以堵住无知人的口(v.15)
    The will of God --- by doing good, Christians may put to silence foolish men

  3. 在基督里的自由---选择照神的吩咐顺服权柄(v.16)
    The liberty in Christ--- the command is given to submit ourselves to authorities

  4. 为良心的缘故(Rom 13:5)
    for conscience’s sake

三. 仆人顺服不讲理的主人(v.18-20)
The submission of slaves to their unreasonable masters

四. 耶稣基督是我们的榜样(v.21-25)
Christ, our example

  1. 为什么基督徒仆人要受苦?你们蒙召原是如此(v.21)
    Why must Christian slaves suffer? Because we are called to suffer

  2. 主耶稣为义受苦的原则
    Christ’s principle-- righteous suffering

      1. 基督的受苦是无辜的,出于祂的公义(v.22)
        Christ’s suffering was innocent suffering due to His righteousness

      2. 基督受苦时默默无声(v.23)
        Christ’s suffering was silent

      3. 基督受苦是自己的拣选,不是人强加给祂的悲剧(约10:18)
        Christ’s suffering was a path He chose

      4. 基督的受苦是出于信心,将自己交托给公义的神(v.23b)
        Our Lord’s obedience was an act of faith

      5. 基督的受苦是为救赎我们 (v.24)
        Our Lord’s suffering was redemptive

      6. 基督从受苦到高升,得荣耀,作我们灵魂的牧人(v.25)
        Our Lord’s suffering was the divinely means to His glorification and exaltation