Building Up a Spiritual House
一.与弟兄姊妹的关系:彼此相爱 (1: 22 – 2:3)
The relationship of believers: love one another
- 两种爱—无私的爱,亲情的爱 (原文动词作agapao,
Two kinds of love - sacrificial love and tender affection
- 彼此相爱的基础
The basis of love one another
- 新的心---洁净了的心(1:22; 2:1)
New heart
--- a pure heart
- 新生命---藉著神活泼常存的道,蒙了重生(1:23)
life --- being born again by the living and abiding word of
- 活泼常存的道---福音,基督
The living and abiding word
of God --- the gospel and Christ
- 神的道是种子,叫我们重生(1:23)
The word of God
is a seed producing the new birth
- 神的道是灵奶,叫我们长大(2:2)
The word of God
is the pure milk that helps us to grow
二. 与基督的关系:建造灵宫(2: 4- 10)
The relationship between believers and Christ: building up a spiritual house
- 基督徒的成长不只是个人的成长,更是集体的成长
The growth of
Christians concerns not only the individual, but the corporation of
- 基督徒与基督的关系 (2: 4-6) ---主是活石,基督徒像活石
Believers and Christ --- coming to the Lord as to a living stone
- 不信者与基督的关系 (2: 7-8) ---主作了绊脚的石头,跌人的磐石
Unbelievers and Christ --- To them, the Lord became a stumbling
- 教会和基督徒荣耀的身分 (2: 9-10)
The glorious
identities of church and Christians