
Fix Our Hope on the Grace Brought To Us

一.专心盼望主的恩典(1: 13)
Fix our hope on the grace brought to us

  1. 约束我们的心—在心理和体力上准备行动
    Gird up the loins of our mind--mentally and physically ready to act

  2. 谨慎自守—保持清醒的头脑,慎重地行动
    Keeping sober— keep a clear head which enables us to act prudently

  3. 专心盼望主再来,喜爱和渴慕天上的事,不是贪恋地上的事
    Fix our affection and desire on heavenly things as opposed to earthly things

二.圣洁的呼召(1: 14-16)
A call to holiness

  1. 圣洁主要的意义:“圣”的反面是“俗”,圣的意思:不是普通的
    What is holiness? The opposite of being “common”

  2. 我们是神的儿女,圣洁就是要像神
    We are to be holy like God our Father, because we are His children
    1. 是顺命的儿女,也是圣洁的儿女,不要效法从前放纵私欲的样子
      We are to be holy by obeying God’s Word, and not being conformed to our former lusts

    三. 敬畏父神(1: 17-21)
    Fear of God our Father

    1. 神是我们的父,也是我们的审判官,我们要敬畏祂
      Fear of God because He is our Father and our Judge

    2. 我们敬畏父神,因为祂藉著基督的宝血救赎了我们
      A reason to fear—our Father redeemed us by the precious blood of Jesus

    3. 敬畏和盼望:盼望吸引我们向着神的事;敬畏使我们离开得罪神的事
      Hope and fear of God: Hope attracts us towards the things of God and fear should repel us from those things which offend God