The Faith of Moses

一. 摩西的父母因信将摩西藏了三个月(v.23)
By faith Moses was hidden three months by his parents

  1. 信心可以从父母开始
    Faith begins with the parents

  2. 摩西俊美非凡,他父母相信他将成为神合用的器皿
    They saw Moses was a proper child, and believed Moses would be a fitting instrument for God’s use

二. 信心胜过现今世界的吸引和荣华(v.24-26)
By faith he overcame the attraction and glory of the present world

  1. 摩西长大了,不肯称为法老女儿之子
    He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter

  2. 他宁可和神的百姓同受苦害,不愿享受罪中之乐
    He chose to suffer affliction with God’s people rather than to have the pleasure of sin

  3. 他看重为基督所受的凌辱,爲要得神的尝赐
    He esteemed the reproach of Christ more precious than gold, and looked to the reward

三. 信心使他胜过人加给他的难处(v.27)
Looking for the city which has foundations--our resting place

  1. 摩西离开埃及,不怕王怒
    By faith Moses left Egypt, not fearing the anger of Pharaoh

  2. 他的勇气来自看见那不能看见的主
    He had seen the invisible One, and so he stood boldly before Pharaoh

四. 信心使人看到自己是罪人,圣洁的神绝不容忍罪(v.28-29)
Faith recognizes that we are sinners, and the Holy God will judge sin

  1. 信心一面叫我们不要怕人,一面叫我们对神要有神圣的怕
    Faith lifts us above the fear of man, and also leads to the holy fear of God

  2. 因信洒羔羊的血,罪受审判,死亡不临到以色列人
    God judged sin and He was kept outside by the sprinkled blood of a lamb

  3. 因信过红海如同行过干地
    By faith Israelites passed through the Red Sea by dry land