The Faith of Abel, Enoch and Noah

一. 信心的果效---相信将来之事和未见之事
The effect of faith---We believe in things unseen and things of the future.

二. 基督徒的信---因信知道有神,受造物(人)要依靠造物主
Our faith--- We know that the creature is dependent upon the creator.

  1. 世界是藉著神的话造成的,“起初神创造天地”
    The worlds were formed by the word of God.

  2. 物质的起源并不是从可见的物而来,乃是神的能力和智慧
    The visible originates from the unseen (God’s power and wisdom)

三. 亚伯的信---因信献更美的祭
The faith of Abel--- Offered to God a more excellent sacrifice

  1. 更美的祭是承认自己有罪,需要有祭牲流血代死。
    He confessed his sin, and came to God through the blood of a substitute.

  2. 他死后仍然说信心的话,只有救赎才是除去罪的唯一救法
    Abel has been speaking from the day he being dead, that redemption is the only remedy for sin.

四. 以诺的信---因信与神同行,神将他接去,不经过死
The faith of Enoch--- He walked with God and did not see death

  1. 被接以先,他已得神的喜悦
    He was commended by God

  2. 他信有神,也信神要赏赐信祂的人(信神的真实和良善)
    He believed in God’s reality and His goodness

  3. 他代表教会圣徒在主来时,可以不经过死,被提。
    He represents the saints of the present time whose hope is heavenly

五. 挪亞的信---因信接受神要审判世界的警告和逃脱的方法
The faith of Noah---Accepting God’s warning for coming judgment and obeyed God’s means of escape

  1. 造方舟,传义道,经过洪水全家得救,来到新的世界
    He is moved by fear, and he builds an ark to save his family

  2. 他代表以色列的余民经过大灾难,悔改得救
    He represents the Jewish remnant. They pass through the judgments, and come to a new world.