Daniel--- A Man of Excellent Spirit

一. 立志的人 The man of purpose

  1. 与世界分别归向神,如同拿细耳人
    To devote himself to the Lord as a Nazarite

  2. 忍受试探,叫我们属灵的生命长大
    Endure the temptations that our spiritual lives may grow

  3. 他的赏赐:敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端
    His reward: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

二. 信心的人 The man of faith

  1. 为王解梦:相信神深知一切,要赐智慧给依靠祂的人
    He believed that God knew everything and would give wisdom to the man who trusted in Him

  2. 不拜金像
    Do not worship the golden image

    (1) 相信神的能力,也顺服祂的旨意
          Have faith in the power of God; also submit to the will of God
    (2) 谁是我们良心的主人,神或人?
          Who is the master of our consciences, God or man?

  3. 扔入狮子坑:神封住狮子的口
    Cast into the den of lions --- God stopped the mouths of lions

    (1) 人要代替神的地位
          Man publicly assumes the place of God
    (2) 但以理信靠他常事奉的神,每日三次祷告如素常一样
          Daniel was faithful to God and continued to pray thrice daily
    (3) 对神对人都保持无亏的良心
          He had a pure conscience towards both God and men

三.  祷告的人 The man of prayer

  1. 同心的祷告:求神指明奥秘的事
    Unified prayer: seeking knowledge from God concerning the secret

  2. 不住的祷告:窗户开向耶路撒冷,牢记神的应许(王上8:46)
    Pray without ceasing: he rested on the sure word of God (1 King 8:46)

  3. 禁食认罪的祷告:求神垂听,赦免,应允而行, 不要迟延
    Prayer with fasting and confession: O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for your own sake