The Calling of Gideon (Judges 6)

一. 以色列人的失败 The failure of Israel

  1. 他们行神眼中看为恶的事,神把他们交在仇敌手中 (v.1)
    They did evil in the sight of the Lord, and He delivered them into the hands of enemy

  2. 神兴起士师,拯救百姓脱离仇敌的手(2: 18)
    God raised up judges, and then God was with the judges and delivered the people

二. 神拣选的器皿---基甸蒙召 The instrument chosen by God --- The calling of Gideon

  1. 简单的信心---承认人的失败,单靠神的大能
    A simple faith --- Confess the ruin of men, and count on God

  2. 勇气---永不放弃,在酒醡里打麦子 (v.11)
    Valour --- determine to get food at any cost (thresh wheat in the winepress)

  3. 认同百姓的苦难 (v.13)
    Identified himself with the people in all their sorrow and humiliation

  4. 自卑:人不能,神能 (v.15)
    Humility --- Our sufficiency is from God

  5. 神的同在是得力的秘诀 (v.12, 16)
    The presence of God is the true secret of strength

三. 神预备基甸 God prepared Gideon to be His servant

  1. 耶和华沙龙,神是平安的神 (v.24)
    The meaning of Jehovah-Shalom: Jehovah of peace
  2. 見证从自己的家开始,在家中高举神 (v.25)
    The testimony must begin at home before going into public service

  3. 神体贴基甸的软弱,坚固他的信心 (v.36-40)
    God graciously confirmed Gideon’s faith by providing evidence in abundance