
Do All Things With Love (1 Cor.16)

一. 凭爱心而作(v.13,14)Do all things with love

Five commands---Alert, firm, mature, strong, loving

二. 财物奉献 - 广阔的爱(v.1-3)The collection for the saints - Global love

  1. 顾到耶路撒冷穷苦圣徒
    For the need of Jerusalem saints
  2. 照主所祝福的留下
    Lays aside according to that God has blessed him

三. 司提反一家 - 专注的爱(v.15-18)The household of Stephanas - Devotional love

  1. 一人得救到全家得救
    Salvation: from an individual to the whole family
  2. 一人事奉到全家事奉
    Serving: from an individual to the whole family
  3. 专以服事圣徒为念
    Devote Themselves To The Ministry of the Saints

四. 主必要来 - 渴慕的爱(v.22) Our Lord has come - Eager love

  1. 世界的事快要过去
    The World Is Passing Away
  2. 主必要来
    Oh, Our Lord Has Come