一。过分自信的危险 The dangers of overconfidence
- 不是只要得属灵的福份(v.1-5)
Outward privileges and rites guarantee nothing
- 不要贪恋恶事 (v.6-10)
Do not lust after evil things
- 神应许受试探时开出路 (v.13)
God promises way of escape in normal temptations二。须要谨慎免得跌倒 Take heed lest he fall
- 逃避偶像,思想耶稣 (v.14)
Flee from idolatry and consider Jesus
- 行事智慧,頋到别人 (v.23)
Walk in wisdom and consider others
- 凡事荣耀神 (v.31)
Do all to the glory of God