
Make myself a servant to all (1 Cor. ch. 9)

一。放下正当的权利 (v.4-12) Give up his own rights

二。甘心去作(v.17) Do it willingly

  1. 出于爱主
    Because of your love for the Lord

  2. 不滥用权利 (v.18)
    Not to abuse his rights

三。向什么样的人,就作什么样的人(v.22) Become all things to all men, as weak to the weak

  1. 调整自己适应别人
    To adapt himself to people

  2. 为福音的缘故
    For the sake of the gospel

四。攻克己身,叫身服我(v.27) Discipline my body, and bring it into subjection

  1. 诸事都有节制(v.25)
    Possess self-control in all things

  2. 得不能坏的冠冕(v.25)
    To obtain an imperishable crown