
Keep Marriage and Family Holy (1 Cor. ch. 7)

一。结婚的圣洁 Marriage is holy

  1. 一夫一妻(v.2)
    Only one husband/ one wife [No affairs or polygamy]

  2. 彼此相爱(v.3, 4)
    Have affection towards each other

  3. 不可分开 (v.10, 11)
    Not to depart from each other

  4. 守住身份 (v.20, 24)
    Abide in the present state

二。独身的圣洁 Remaining single is holy

  1. 神的恩赐(v.7)
    Gift of God

  2. 保持现状(v.26)
    Remain as he (she) is

  3. 专心服事主(v.32-35)
    Provides freedom for undivided focus on