
The Cross and Holy Spirit ( 1 Cor. ch. 2)

一. 宣讲十字架的信息 Preaching the message of the cross

  1. 主题 : 耶稣基督并祂钉十字架 Theme: Jesus Christ and Him crucified

  2. 态度 : 软弱, 惧怕, 战兢 Attitude: in weakness, in fear, in trembling.

  3. 方法 : 靠圣灵和大能 Method: by Holy Spirit and power

  4. 目的 : 在乎神的大能 Purpose: in the power of God

  5. 应用 :  Implications:
  1. 信徒合一 Keep us unified

  2. 传福音有果效Makes witnessing easy and effective

  3. 生命长进 Built up in Christ

二. 明白神的智慧 The wisdom of God understood

  1. 神藉着圣灵显明祂的奥秘 God has revealed His wisdom to us through His Spirit ( v.10)

  2. 圣经是神的默示藉使徒写出 All Scripture is given to the apostles by inspiration of God (v. 13 )

  3. 有基督的心 Have the mind of Christ ( v. 16)