一. 教会是什么? What is the church? (1:1-9)
- 教会顺服基督的权柄.
The church is under the authority of Christ.
- 教会是所有蒙召作圣徒的人.
The church is those who are called to be saints.
- 神赐恩是叫圣徒为祂而活.
We are gifted to live for Christ.
二.注视基督 Focused on Christ (1:10-31)
- 传钉十字架的基督--- 神要拯救那些信的人.
Preach Christ crucified---To save those who believe.
- 神拣选世上软弱的--- 叫人不能自夸.
The election of God --- No flesh should boast before God.
- 结果--- 得在基督里.
Result --- In Christ, who became for us
Wisdom from God, and righteousness And holiness, and redemption.