四月二十日[mp3_embed playlst=”/downloading/audio/evening/04/0420.mp3″]
经文: 为耶和华争战。(撒母耳记上十八:17)
上帝的选民在世上仍要不断地争战,而耶稣基督是他们救恩的元帅。祂说:“我常与你们同在,直到世界的末了。”(太二十八:20)请听战争的呐喊!愿上帝的百姓坚守岗位,没有胆怯惊慌。战争确实是于我们不利的。若不是主耶稣举起祂的宝剑,我们不知道教会将有何等结果,但是让我们鼓起勇气。在今日,基督教的忧虑甚于任何时刻,有一股凶猛的势力将敌基督拥上它的权力王座上。我们需要大胆的声音和强劲的手去传扬并宣告那古老的福音。为那福音,有多少殉道者流出鲜血,多少神职人员为之舍命。救主藉祂的圣灵,今日仍活在地上。祂在争战之中,因此,战争的结局是肯定的。当战争如火如茶地进行时,主耶稣在祂的职责上作我们伟大的代祷者,为祂的百姓恳求!不要过份注意下面所进行的争战,因为在该处,你会被烟雾所包围,被沾染血渍的外衣所淹没。举目注视你救主活着和祈求的地方。只要祂在代祷,上帝的百姓便完全无虑。让我们视自己为这场战争的关键人物,但是却让我们仰望祂,且明了一切皆操在祂的手中。藉着如百合花般的基督徒之纯洁,如玻瑰般的救主之宝血,你这耶稣所爱的,必会在这场圣战中勇敢争战。为上帝的国度,并为你主的冠冕去争战吧。“因为胜败不在乎你们,乃在乎上帝。”(代下二十:15 )
Evening, April 20
Scripture: “Fight the Lord’s battles.”(1 Samuel 18:17)
The sacramental host of God’s elect is warring still on earth, Jesus Christ being the Captain of their salvation. He has said, “Lo! I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Hark to the shouts of war! Now let the people of God stand fast in their ranks, and let no man’s heart fail him. It is true that just now in England the battle is turned against us, and unless the Lord Jesus shall lift his sword, we know not what may become of the church of God in this land; but let us be of good courage, and play the man. There never was a day when Protestantism seemed to tremble more in the scales than now that a fierce effort is making to restore the Romish antichrist to his ancient seat. We greatly want a bold voice and a strong hand to preach and publish the old gospel for which martyrs bled and confessors died. The Saviour is, by his Spirit, still on earth; let this cheer us. He is ever in the midst of the fight, and therefore the battle is not doubtful. And as the conflict rages, what a sweet satisfaction it is to know that the Lord Jesus, in his office as our great Intercessor, is prevalently pleading for his people! O anxious gazer, look not so much at the battle below, for there thou shalt be enshrouded in smoke, and amazed with garments rolled in blood; but lift thine eyes yonder where the Saviour lives and pleads, for while he intercedes, the cause of God is safe. Let us fight as if it all depended upon us, but let us look up and know that all depends upon him.
Now, by the lilies of Christian purity, and by the roses of the Saviour’s atonement, by the roes and by the hinds of the field, we charge you who are lovers of Jesus, to do valiantly in the Holy War, for truth and righteousness, for the kingdom and crown jewels of your Master. Onward! “for the battle is not yours but God’s.”