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卫恩礼(T. Ernest Wilson)信息

卫恩礼 (T. Ernest Wilson,1902-1996) 圣经教师,传教士,出生在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的一个基督徒家庭, 在21岁时辞去了在世界最大船厂的工作,进入非洲的心脏传福音.在他心爱的国家安哥拉他服事了四十年,一直到一九六一年被迫离开.在他生命的后三十五年,在美国和世界各地继续圣经教导的服事.一九九六年,离世与主同在。
《弥赛亚诗篇》The Messianic Psalms

论主耶稣基督的位恪和工作的诗篇,共有十数篇,称为弥赛亚诗篇。 当新约引用其中的记载,论到基督时,那篇就是弥赛亚诗篇了。

The Messianic Psalms

Deep within this verdant land are hidden the richest veins of truth - the Messianic Psalms- which yield their treasures to those who love the One these songs exquisitely portray.

Angola Beloved

Africa, land of mystery…cruelty…fear…darkness…sounds and smells…

In the heart of this fascinating continent lies the little-known but much-in-the-news country of Angola.

Farewell Ministry of Christ

A warm, reverent exposition of our Saviour's upper room discourse and high priestly prayer, with emphasis on seven principal doctrines revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Blood Sacrifices Of The Old Testament

Better understand the meaning and purpose of the Offerings and how they were all pointing forward to the Lamb of God and His one Sacrifice offered at Calvary, is the purpose of this book.

God's Sacred Secrets

What are these fourteen Bible mysteries? Truths undiscoverable by human reason, they have now been divinely disclosed.

Men of the Mountains & Valleys

Men of the Mountains & Valleys takes you mountain climbing with the great men of the Bible: Noah and Ararat, Abraham and Moriah, Moses and Sinai, Caleb and Hebron, David and Zion, Elijah and Carmel. And the Lord Jesus

Angola Beloved - Video

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4