
邦兹E. M. Bounds信息

邦兹(Edward McKendree Bounds, 1835-1913) 被誉为「祷告战士」的邦兹生於美国密苏里州,其生命深受约翰卫斯理的著作影响。他21岁时成为美国最年轻的律师之一,24岁蒙召成为牧师,於循道会中事奉。在美国内战期间,他因拒绝宣誓效忠联邦政府而於1861年被北部军队逮捕入狱,一年半后获释;1863年,任南部联军军牧。战后,他继续牧养教会,并致力於写作及往各地推动復兴事工,其敬虔及重视祷告的生命,继续影响著歷世歷代的信徒。



Power Through Prayer

Power through Prayer has been called "one of the truly great masterpieces on the theme of prayer." The term classic can appropriately be applied to this outstanding book.



The Necessity of Prayer

In this book, Bounds makes a case that prayer is the most important and influential activity that we can ever engage in for the sole reason that God’s work can’t be undertaken without prevailing, intercessory prayer.Discover how faith, trust, obedience, and other aspects of the Christian life intersect with prayer.

Prayer and Praying Men

Great men of God in Scripture, such as Paul, Ezra, Moses and Daniel, are the focus as E.M. Bounds demonstrates powerful lessons on the need for effective prayer. God's desire is for men to be on their knees in full subjection to Him.

MEN OF PRAYER NEEDED Preachers Need the Prayers of the People PREACHER AND PRAYER