
奥古斯丁Aurelius Augustine信息

奧古斯丁(Aurelius Augustine,350--430) 奥古斯丁生活在罗马帝国走向衰落的年代,是当时最伟大的神学家。他的著作在整个中世纪对基督教学说和观点产生了深刻的影响,事实上他的影响至今仍然存在。


奥古斯丁的《忏悔录》是一篇诗意浓厚的长篇祷文,自始至终以上帝为谈话对象,向上帝倾诉衷曲。作者在书中所著重的乃是分析自己灵性生活的每一过程,从幼年到少年,又从少年到成年各阶段的发展情况。在这方面作者很像一个灵魂解剖家,把灵魂放在上帝的祭坛上,作精密而彻底的解剖,只是所解剖的不是别人的灵魂,而是他自己的灵魂。作者既然相信上帝乃是洞悉人心、明察秋毫的神,在上帝面前说话,还有 什么可隐瞒的?


Augustine today stands as perhaps the greatest thinker of Christian antiquity, and his Confessions is one of the great works of Western literature. In this intensely personal narrative, Augustine relates his rare ascent from a humble Algerian farm to the edge of the corridors of power at the imperial court in Milan, his struggle against the domination of his sexual nature, his renunciation of secular ambition and marriage, and the recovery of the faith his mother Monica had taught him during his childhood.
