《天路历程》- 约翰·本仁 自本书初版以来,在全世界的发行量是第二大的,仅次于圣经。《天路历程》讲述的是一个名叫基督徒的人,离开毁灭城,奔向天国城的故事,描写他的心路历程和遭遇的各样险境。本书在你的眼前描画出一个人,他正在把那永恒的赏赐找寻;你会看见他从哪里来,到哪里去;他撇下什么没有做,他做的又是什么;你看见他怎样不停地赶着行程,一直赶到那荣耀的门。 |
《基督徒生活手册》- 加尔文 在全世界的灵修书籍中,没有一本能像《黄金手册》这样的深奥同时又如此的普遍。论到它的体裁、精神与栩栩如生的文字,可以与伟大的古典文献相媲美,所不同的乃是本书的简短、清晰、内容纯正、语气更为活泼而且是针针见血,字字珠玑。因此这本手册当受一切属灵基督徒的欢迎,尤其是为那些想要把宗教的价值在日常生活中彰显出来的人所欢迎。 |
《殉道史》- 约翰·福克斯 《殉道史》与加尔文的《基督教要义》和班扬的《天路历程》被称为基督教历史上最有影响力的三部经典。该书对于英国语言与文化的影响仅次于《圣经》,而且对英国的宗教改革产生了推动作用。本书从新教的角度记载了从使徒时代到16世纪基督教历史上的殉道事迹,尤其突出了从14世纪到玛丽一世掌权时期英国新教徒所受的逼迫。 |
《效法基督》-托马斯.厄.肯培 这是深受普世教会喜爱的一本中世纪灵修名著,是由跟随基督的人,在十字架的道路上受过操练,受过对付,经过艰辛,经过逆境之后,从敬虔度日的经历中凝聚而成的灵性结晶,在基督里生长成熟的生命硕果。 本书注重灵修方面,文笔简洁有力,清晰地指出人在世间的苦痛及不可避免的心灵污染。惟有仰望及效法基督,才能在我们得救的人身上散发主基督耶稣馨香之气。 |
[Pilgrim Progress] - John Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress is a great work of Christian literature. Originally composed in the 17th century, this spiritual allegory has entertained and delighted innumerous readers for over 300 years. The two parts work together as a unified whole, which describes and depicts the believer's life and struggles. |
[The Golden Booklet of the True Christian
- John Calvin In this classic devotional, John Calvin urges readers to apply the Christian life in a balanced way to mind, heart, and hand. The book stresses the importance of a devotedly active Christian life. |
[Foxe's Book of Martyrs]
- John Fox This is a book that will never die -- one of the great English classics. . . . Reprinted here in its most complete form, it brings to life the days when "a noble army, men and boys, the matron and the maid," "climbed the steep ascent of heaven, 'mid peril, toil, and pain." |
Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis A work of spiritual devotion, also sometimes called the "Following of Christ". Its purpose is to instruct the soul in Christian perfection with Christ as the Divine Model. It consists of a series of counsels of perfection written in Latin in a familiar and even colloquial style, and is divided into four parts or books |
迈可.莫林诺 这本书被称为“敬虔与完全的无价之宝”,是论在主面前静默之价值的杰出著作。那时代的文学作品多以花式风格著名,而《灵程指引》是一个强烈的对比。它的文笔清晰而简明,是意大利文的属灵佳作。在六年之内,《灵程指引》的意大利文、西班牙文、法文、拉丁文,一共再版了二十次。 |
《竭诚为主》- 章伯斯
现在的信徒过分注重主观式、默想式,甚至是随意发挥式的灵修,这使人在灵修中尝不到主恩的滋味,也使灵修难于成为生活中不可或缺的一部分。章伯斯坚持救赎的客观性与真理性,提醒我们信仰的根基和经历神的同在的意义。这些都藏在这本充满古旧信息的灵修作品中,也显示在十字架上带着钉痕的手上,每一天把我们带到神的面前,使我们心灵得医治,生命得动力。 |
《荒漠甘泉》- 考门夫人 《荒漠甘泉》是考门夫人在经历了生活的磨难后写下的诵经领悟、人和感受、智慧哲理。它以丰富的内涵、精湛的意蕴、感人的情及巨大的魅力,征服了亿万读者的心,使其成为畅销世界的不朽名著。自被引入中国以来,它在中国读者中同样引起了强烈的反响,多次重印、再版,很快成为现代最受读者欢迎的心灵福音书之一。 |
《都是恩典》- 司布真 本书中每一篇文章就好像一张福音单张,将福音的本质、内容写得清楚明白,并不断向读者发出邀请来接受耶稣的救恩。司布真不单是传讲神的话满有能力,震撼人心,他更是当代最伟大的布道家!他恳切盼望读者来信耶稣,藉著悔改得著赦罪的恩典,那一股迫切人得救的心流露在字里行间,彷佛他所说的每一句话,就是布道的信息,要抓住每一个机会领人来信耶稣,接受这白白的恩典。 |
[The Spiritual Guide]
- Michael de Molinos This book was so powerful that within 6 years of its release it had been translated into every language in Western Europe. In Naples, Italy it was said that 20,000 Christians gathered in small groups to practice inward prayer. |
[My Utmost For His Highest]
- Oswald Chambers This daily devotional “My Utmost For His Highest” is a collection of Chambers' teachings compiled by his wife into a daily devotional format. It’s presented here in the original English. His teachings on the life of faith and abandonment to God have endured to this day. |
[Stream in the Desert]
- Mrs Cowman Mrs. Cowman's classic devotional contains 366 daily readings, a collection of prayerful meditation. Filled with insight into the richness of God's provision and the purpose of his plan, this book has inspired and encouraged generations of Christians during difficult times. |
[All of Grace]
- C. H. Spurgeon C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892), "the prince of preachers", presents the message of salvation--man's need and God's unique provision--simply and sincerely, for honest seekers and zealous witnesses alike. A Moody Classic. |
《系统神学》- 汤姆·华森 汤姆·华森的《系统神学》(A Body of Practical Divinity)是清教徒中最珍贵、无可比拟的诸多作品中的一部;尤其熟稔其作品的人对此书更是推崇备至。华森的作品是众多的神学家中极为精准、有力,并极富说理性和引导性的;他使清教徒时期成为英国文艺全盛的福音文学时期(evangelical literature)。 |
《忏悔录》- 奥古斯丁
奥古斯丁的《忏悔录》是一篇诗意浓厚的长篇祷文,自始至终以上帝为谈话对象,向上帝倾诉衷曲。作者在书中所著重的乃是分析自己灵性生活的每一过程,从幼年到少年,又从少年到成年各阶段的发展情况。在这方面作者很像一个灵魂解剖家,把灵魂放在上帝的祭坛上,作精密而彻底的解剖,只是所解剖的不是别人的灵魂,而是他自己的灵魂。 |
《跪着的基督徒》- 无名的基督徒
本书是英文祷告书中最畅销者,神曾使用该书带进全世界信徒祷告的工作。 |
无名的基督徒 本书的原著者,笔名为无名的基督徒An Unknown Christian可是有人说过,无名的基督徒成为驰名的基督徒了。本书原文是英语,多年前在《信心生活杂志》上(The Life of Faith)逐期刊出。因为许多人从它得着心灵的供应,故请求印发单行本;并且后来还译成德、荷、丹麦、亚拉伯和意大利文。 |
[A Body of Practical Divinity]
- Thomas Watson Thomas Watson's Body of Practical Divinity is one of the most precious of the peerless works of the Puritans; and those best acquainted with it prize it most. There is a happy union of sound doctrine, heart-searching experience and practical wisdom throughout all his works, and his Body of Divinity is, beyond all the rest, useful to the student and the minister |
[Confessions] - Augustine of Hippo Augustine today stands as perhaps the greatest thinker of Christian antiquity, and his Confessions is one of the great works of Western literature. |
[The Kneeling Christian] - An Unknown Christian Since its first publication, The Kneeling Christian has helped hundreds of thousands of believers discover the key to God's treasure house of blessing. This classic book on prayer, sometime before the 1930's, answers the most basic and often-asked questions Christians have about prayer |
[How to Live the Victorious Life]
- An Unknown Christian How to Live the Victorious Life by An Unknown Christian is a true Christian
classic. Reading and following the Christian principles that are contained
therein will change one's life. |
《与神同在》- 劳伦斯弟兄 法国劳伦斯弟兄的此书是已有三百多年历史的古典属灵名著。作者的话,好像膏油,能使人的灵命滋润。 书中收录了他与朋友的四次谈话,还有他自己写的十六封信。他只注意一件事:就是与神同在。他这样做,让他的生命越过越圣洁、越敬虔、越爱神。有了神就有了一切。他的心常常充满了神。如此四十多年之久。 |
宾克 因为有两件事情是无可争辩的:神有主权,人有责任。本书力求阐明前者,原因是在我们其它的著作中,已屡次强调了后者。我们乐意承认,过于强调一面而忽视另一面是危险的。历史上有无数这样的例子,因为只强调神的主权而不坚持人的责任,就会倾向宿命论;而只偏重人的责任却看不见神的主权,就是在高举受造者,贬低创造者。 |
《神的属性》- 宾克 一切关于神的真知识,其基础是要在思想上对圣经中所启示的神的完美属性有清楚的认识。一位未识之神是无法被信靠、事奉和敬拜的。此书力图阐述神性中一些主要的完美属性。读者若真的想要从细读此书中获益,就一定要恳切地求神祝福,将这些真理印在良心和心灵中,使生命能因此转变。 |
亚伯拉罕.海伦堡 海伦堡按改革宗的六个主要教义,也就是神、人、基督、救恩、教会和末世来组织这本教义问答。这本教义问答《真道初阶》(A Specimen of Divine Truth)的荷兰文版已经再版了五十几次,英文版也再版过数次。 |
[The Practice of the Presence of God] - Brother
Lawrence The Practice of the Presence of God is a collection of documented conversations and letters that reveal the heart of this humble man. |
[The Sovereignty of God]
- A. W. Pink A.W. Pink defines God's sovereignty, and then explains how God's sovereignty is characterized in creation and salvation. Then Pink discusses the relationship between God's sovereignty and the human will. Finally, Pink describes the appropriate attitude Christians should take towards God's sovereignty, and considers several difficulties that Christian may face in adopting this attitude. |
[The Attributes of God]
- A. W. Pink The foundation of our knowledge of God rests upon knowing what he is like. This classic work of Arthur W. Pink invites readers to discover the truth about seventeen attributes of God, including his sovereignty, immutability, patience, love, faithfulness, and much more. Pink shows readers a God who is alive, all-powerful, and active in his creation. |
[A Specimen of Divine Truths] - Abraham Hellenbroek Abraham Hellenbroek's best known for his catechism book, first published 300 years ago (1706), This book, for the Instruction of Youth, who prepare themselves for a Confession of their Faith translated from the Dutch. |
《救 知 乐》- 佐治卡亭 卡亭乔治 在本书中论到得救的证实和快乐,帮助无数得重生的信徒,清楚知道救恩而过喜乐的基督徒生活。本书是在二十世纪初,除圣经以外印的最多的书,它曾引领许多人清楚归向主,得救重生。求主再次使用本书的信息。 |
《神护理的奥秘》- 芙莱维尔 清教徒芙莱维尔的经典之作,将帮助和指引信徒认识和信靠神的主权,促使基督徒过更有力量、更有信心的生活。凡渴想更多地认识神旨意和大能的基督徒,都应当读读这部重要的典籍。 |
《清晨甘露》Morning By Morning 是司布真(C.H.Spurgeon)两本著名的灵修作品之一。一日之计在与晨,我们若在一天之始与神亲近,就可促成蒙恩的一天。每篇文章皆是作者对神话语的独到体会,都是为造就信徒的灵德,栽培信徒的灵性,指引信徒的灵程,和丰富信徒的灵命而撰写。365篇灵修短文,教你如何经历神的同在,倚靠他克服属灵路上的种种困难。 |
《静夜亮光》Evening By Evening 是司布真(C.H.Spurgeon)两本著名的灵修作品之一 。每个漆黑的夜晚,在灵修默想寻求神时,轻倚窗扉,仰视祂所陈设的月亮星宿,是多么的美丽,宁静,浩淼与深远。再以恳切寻觅的心灵,来研读本书,求主赐下亮光,如星月之银辉,导引我们的思潮,与主默默的交契。求圣灵的水流,洋溢每颗渴慕的心灵,在永恒的道上,享受与主偕行的甘美。 |
Certainty and Enjoyment] George Cutting What God has provided through the blood, the Word, and Obedience. A proven message that has brought peace to many souls. |
[The Mystery of Providence] - John Flavel The greatness of God is a glorious and unsearchable mystery. The condescension of the most high God to men is also a profound mystery. But when both these meet together, they make up a matchless mystery. Here we find the most high God performing all things for a poor distressed creature. |
[Morning By Moring] - C. H. Spurgeon Charles Spurgeon's Morning by Morning is considered devotional classic for its deep spiritual encouragement, faithful handling of Scripture, and passionate interaction with God's Word. |
[Evening By Evening] - C. H. Spurgeon As the day is coming to a close and you begin to look back on the day just passed, these meditative devotions will lead you to strengthen your relationship with the Lord, revive your faith and hope, and relieve the tensions of the day. |