
基督徒的施与受(Phil 4:13-20)
A Christian’s Perspective on Giving and Receiving

一. 以知足和感恩的心接受
Receiving with a content and grateful heart

1. 保罗知道这礼物的意义,不是礼物的大小,而是信徒怎么给的
Paul knew what the gift meant, not because of what was sent, but of how it was sent.

(1) 保罗没有叫腓立比人知道他的需要,而是他们主动的关怀
Paul didn’t make his needs known, but the Philippians were concerned about his needs

(2) 将礼物送到保罗那里不是轻而易举的事
Sending a gift to Paul was not an easy thing for the Philippians to do

(3) 保罗知道神听祷告,供給他和同工们的需要
Paul knew God had answered his prayers, and had provided for his needs and for the other co-workers

2. 知足不是自然而来的,不是容易的事,需要学的
Paul wasn’t born content, nor did contentment happen easily, but he had to learn

3. 保罗学会在任何经济景况下(v. 12的”凡事”)都知足,靠主喜乐
Paul had learned to be content in every financial circumstance (i.e. all things)

二. 以知足和慷慨的心给出
Giving with a content and generous heart

1. 一旦我们知足了,就很容易将物质的祝福转变为属灵的祝福
Once you and I are content, we can easily convert material blessings into spiritual blessings

2. 施者的益处
The benefits of the giver

(1) 与所支持的工人同工—与他们同受患难,同享工作的果效
Becomes a partner with whomever he supports--share with their suffering and their work

(2) 为自己积存果子在天上
Lay up for yourself the fruit in heaven

(3) 献上神所悦纳的祭
Offer an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God

(4) 神使你们一切所需用的都充足
God will supply for your needs abundantly

(5) 荣耀神
Glorify God

三. 应用

1. 自我约束,不要贪心
Be self-restrained and beware of greediness

2. 过简朴的生活,以现有的为知足
Simplify our lifestyle, and be content in every circumstance

3.知足是向神忠心的副产品; 当你追求认识基督,自然就有知足
Recognize that contentment is a by-product of faithfulness to Christ