
神的平安与平安的神(Phil 4:1-9)
The Peace of God and the God of Peace

一. 事奉中的平安
Serve in the peace of God

1. 要彼此相爱,彼此尊重,不要争竟,我们就可以保持合一,荣耀神
Turn our conflict into love and respect, so that we can maintain unity and glorify God

2. 基督徒的名字已经冩在生命册上,因此我们在地上需要和谐相处
The names of Christians are written in the Book of Life, so we need to ensure that we are in harmony down on earth

3. 与弟兄姊妹有分歧时,要谦让,饶恕人,主已经近了
In the midst of conflict, be gentle and ready to forgive. The Lord is near.

二. 难处中的平安
The peace of God in trouble times

1. 应当一无挂虑。挂虑就是不信:怀疑神的良善,在我们生命中的恩慈和大能
There is nothing we can worry about. Worry is unbelief: it doubts God’s goodness, grace, and power in our lives

2. 医治挂虑的良药就是“一无挂虑,凡事祷告”
The cure to anxiety is “worry about nothing, pray about everything”

3. 祷告的结果:知道我们要依靠神,将我们的需要带到主前,交给祂
The result of prayer: it acknowledges our dependence upon God, and takes our concerns to God and leaves them with Him

三. 经历平安的神
Experience the God of peace

1. 正面积极的思念:思念那些敬虔的品质,是我们在难处中的帮助
Positive Thinking: think about carefully on godly characteristics that will help us in the midst of difficulties

Positive Practice: as we practice God’s Word in the midst of conflict, God will be present with us in a powerful way