
效法敬虔信徒的榜样(Phil3: 17-21)
Imitate the Example of Godly Believers

一. 效法敬虔信徒的榜样
Imitate the example of godly believers

Imitate Paul and godly believers just as they imitate Christ

2. 怎样效法基督:以基督耶稣的心为心
How to imitate Christ: we should have the same mind that Jesus Christ had

3. 每一个基督徒都是别人的榜样,不是好榜样,就是坏榜样
Every Christian is either a good example or a bad example.
You can’t opt out of being an example.

二. 不要跟从坏榜样,他们的特征:
Do not follow bad examples. Their characteristic are:

1. 他们是基督十字架的仇敌
They are enemies of the cross of Christ

2. 他们的结局是沉沦
Their end is destruction

3. 他们的神是他们的肚腹
Their god is their appetite

4. 以自己的羞辱为荣耀
Their glory is in their shame

5. 以地上的事为念
They set their minds on earthly things

三. 效法好榜样,迫切等候救主耶稣基督回来
Imitate good examples and eagerly wait for the return of Christ

1. 为什么要等候基督回来?我们是天上的公民
The reason to wait for Christ’s return: we are citizens of heaven

2. 神要改变我们卑贱的身体,与基督荣耀的身体相似
God will transform our humble physical bodies, making them like
His glorious body

3. 这是神给每一个信徒的应许:奇妙的复活
This is the wonder of the resurrection, and it is promised to all