
不要发怨言起争论 (Phil 2:12-18)
Do Everything without Grumbling and Arguing (Phil 2:12-18)


Why is there a lot of grumbling and arguing?

  1. 怨言和争论是对难处不正确的反应,不相信和接受神可以藉著难处来造就我们,成就祂的旨意。

    Grumbling is the wrong response to suffering, it denies the pain of suffering as a part of God’s purposes.

  2. 怨言和爭论是缺少谦卑的结果。
    Grumbling is actually the fruit of a lack of humility.

  3. 怨言是人的天性和通病,因为我们都是罪人,怨言是罪。
    Grumbling is a most unbecoming and common behavior, all of us are sinners, and grumbling is indeed a sin.

The consequences of grumbling and arguing

  1. 削弱教会的合一
    It will weaken the unity of the church

  2. 浪费向世人传扬基督的机会
    Wastes the opportunity to share Christ among the world

  3. 浪费在主再来时得赏赐的机会
    Wastes the opportunity to be rewarded at Christ’s return

What is the cure of grumbling Christians?

  1. 恐惧战兢(谦卑依靠)作成(活出)得救的功夫
    Humility and dependence are the attitude of living out your salvation

  2. 神在我们心里运行,成就祂的美意
    God brings forth in us both the desire and the effort for His good pleasure

  3. 怎样消除怨言?敬拜(诗 73)
    The cure can be summed up in one word: worship (Ps. 73)