
在捆锁中的喜乐(Phil 1:3-11)
The Joy of A Prisoner (Phil 1:3-11)

一. 腓立比书的三个主题
The theme of this book:

  1. 教会的合一
    the unity of the church

  2. 教会受攻击
    the church was attacked by the enemies of Christ

  3. 等候主再来
    waiting for the second coming of Christ
    the connecting factor is Jesus Christ Himself

二. 为什么保罗想念腓立比圣徒时,就满心喜乐?
What is it that gives Paul such pleasure when he thinks about the Philippians?

  1. 在福音上的相交---同心合意的兴旺福音
    Paul is joyful because of their fellowship in the gospel

  2. 深信教会在他不在时仍会成长---神既动了善工,必要成全这工
    Paul is assured that the church of Philippi will grow even without him--- God began a good work, and He will perfect it in them

三. 保罗为腓立比圣徒祷告
Paul‘s prayer for the Philippians

  1. 在生命的质上成长---爱心和分辨
    Grow in the spiritual life--- love and knowledge

  2. 在生活的实践上的见证---分别是非,诚实无过
    Practice and testify the truth of God--- discernment and sincerity

  3. 结义的果子,荣耀神
    Filled with the fruits of righteousness to the glory of God

四. 应用

  1. 保罗数算自己的日子,知道年日不多。
    We see that Paul lived as though his days were numbered

  2. 他没有因神掌管一切,就疏忽祷告;相反,他祷告热切,坚持。
    He did not use the sovereignty of God as an excuse for passivity in prayer

  3. 保罗的喜乐是因他有份於救恩和信徒的成长,以信徒的益处为中心。
    Paul’s joy was having a part in the salvation and the growth of believers.

    We should ask ourselves, ”Is our joy self-centered or people-centered?”