
切切仰望等候主再来(2Pet. 3)
Looking For and Hastening the Coming of the Lord

The future of our world---new heavens and a new earth

  1. 末世必有讥诮者出现,否认主耶稣再来(v.3-7)
    The mockers will come in the last days, and they will deny the coming of the Lord

  2. 主再来是应许,也是我们的盼望
    The second coming of the Lord is not only a promise but our hope

  3. 旧世界将要过去,引进新天新地
    The old world will pass away, and the new heavens and the new earth shall be carried in

二. 预备等候主耶稣再来
      The preparation for the coming of the Lord

  1. 圣徒彼此提醒
    The saints shall remind one another

  2. 存诚实的心
    The Christian should have a sincere mind

  3. 热心传福音;主不愿一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改
    Share the gospel with others---the Lord is not willing that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance

  4. 将来的荣耀要影响我们现在的生活
    Let the glorious future have a present effect upon our lives

    1. 今天生活要圣洁,敬虔
      This present world is devoted to judgment should lead to a separate walk in godly fear and holiness

    2. 要尽自己的本分,没有玷污,无可指责 (v.14)
      The coming blessing of the new heavens and the new earth should keep us in peace, without spot, and blameless.

    3. 坦然无惧地见主面(安然见主)
      Each Christian should enjoy the peace of Christ without fear

  5. 在主救主耶稣基督的恩典和知识上有长进 (v.18)
    We should grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ