
在神的真恩上站稳(1Pet. 5:1-12)
Stand Firm in the True Grace of God

A witness of Christ’s suffering: shepherd and oversee the flock of God

  1. 牧养和照管的责任:引导,喂养,保护
    The duty of a shepherd: leading, feeding, and guarding

  2. 服事的心态:不是出於勉强,乃是出於甘心
    The mind of serving: not by compulsion but willingly

  3. 服事的动机:不是出於贪财,乃是出於乐意
    The motivation of serving: not for dishonest gain but eagerly

  4. 服事的方式:不是辖管人,乃是作群羊的榜样
    The manner of serving: not to lord it over His people, but being examples to the flock

  5. 服事的奖赏:得永不衰残的荣耀冠冕
    The reward of serving: receive the unfading glorious crown

二. 蒙恩的途径:谦卑和顺服
      The path of grace: humility and submission

  1. 服事需要神和弟兄姊妹的帮助
    We must have the help of the almighty God and His people

  2. 谦卑:将一切的忧虑交给神,因为祂顾念我们
    Humility: cast all your care upon the Lord, for He cares for you

三. 属灵的争战
     Spiritual conflict

  1. 要谨守儆醒,魔鬼用各种方式攻击信徒
    Be sober; be watchful as the devil attacks against believers in many ways

  2. 用信心抵挡魔鬼
    Resist the devil and remain steadfast in faith

    1. 知道不是只有我一个人受苦
      We know we are not alone in our suffering

    2. 撒旦的意思是要害我们, 但神藉此成就祂的旨意, 坚固我们的信心
      While Satan seeks to destroy us, God uses his opposition to achieve His purposes and strengthen our faith

    3. 权能不属于撒旦, 而是属于主耶稣基督 (v.11)
      Dominion does not belong to Satan but to the Lord Jesus Christ

  3. 依靠神的恩典必取得最后胜利
    We are going to gain the victory over all the forces of evil by God’s grace