
Complaint and Jealousy (Num. 11-12)

一. 怨言的理由 Why they complained

1.行路艰难Became discouraged on the way

2.闲杂人起贪欲之心(11:4)The mixed multitude began to lust

3.嫉妒神的仆人 Jealous of the servant of God

二. 神的回应 The response of the Lord

1.减轻摩西的担子Lightened the burden of His servant

2.照百姓所求的给他们To grant the request of the people

3.神为摩西辩护The Lord defended Moses

三.怨言的后果 The terrible results

1.于事无补,养成习惯 Nothing helps the situation

2.传染散播 Spread like wildfire

3.惹神忿怒 The anger of God was provoked

4.灵性受阻 Hindrances to the spiritual life