
The resurrection of Christ (1 Cor.15)

一. 基督复活的意义 The reality of the resurrection of Christ

  1. 神悦纳基督的赎罪--信徒罪得赦免
    God is satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ - The assurance of forgiveness

  2. 基督胜过死亡
    Christ has conquered death

  3. 叫我们有活泼的盼望
    Our living hope (1 Pet 1:3)

  4. 传福音的托付
    Worldwide Mission

二. 复活的身体(v.42-44) The resurrection of the body

  1. 从必朽坏的到不朽坏的
    From falling apart to lasting forever

  2. 从羞辱的到荣耀的
    From dishonoring to honoring

  3. 从软弱的到强壮的
    From helplessness to power

  4. 从血气的身体到灵性的身体
    From earthly to heavenly