
Knowledge and Love (1 Cor. ch. 8)

一. 没有爱心的知识 Knowledge (alone) without love

  1. 应该有的知识,只有一神一主
    We should know that there is only one God, one Lord
  2. 只有知识,会叫人骄傲,放纵
    Knowledge (alone) leads to pride and indulgence
  3. 敬畏神是知识的开端
    The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge

二. 有爱心的知识 Knowledge with love

  1. 以神为中心,不是以自由为中心
    Our life is all about God, not about personal freedom
  2. 爱心会頋到别人,造就人
    Love edifies and strengthens our brothers and sisters

  3. 爱心叫人谦卑,合一
    Love (with knowledge) leads to humility and unity

三. 如何决定事情该不该做? How do we decide?

  1. 圣经怎么说的? (知识 )
    What does Bible say? (Knowledge)
  2. 良心怎么说的?(个人)
    What does my conscience say? (Personal)
  3. 信徒需要什么?(爱)
    What do my brothers and sisters need? (Love)