
A Humble Church ( 1 Cor. ch. 5 )

一。一个谦卑的教会保持圣洁 A humble church demands holiness

  1. 为罪痛悔哀痛
    Mourning sins and repenting
  2. 及时对付罪恶 --- 除净旧酵
    Acting decisively ---- purge out the old leaven
  3. 纪念逾越羔羊基督 --- 成为新团
    Remember Christ and our Passover --- To be a new lump

二。管教与挽回 Discipline and Restoration

  1. 管教是为了使人得拯救
    Aim at the healing of the offender
  2. 奉主的名全教会做
    The church disciplines in the name of our Lord
  3. 分清事情本质
    Distinguish the essence of the matter