
Building A Foundation With Gold, Silver and Precious Stones (1 Cor. ch. 3)

一。教会是神的工作 The Church is God’s work

  1. 我们是与神同工的 (v.9 )
    We are God’s fellow workers.
    Everyone is building God’s church but it’s God’s work.

  2. 我们是神所耕种的田地,所建造的房屋。(v.9)
    We are God’s field; we are God’s building.

二.金银宝石的工作 (v.12) Building a foundation with gold, silver, and precious stones

  1. 已经立好的根基就是耶稣基督
    Jesus Christ is the only foundation.

  2. 建造的材料:金银宝石,或草木禾稭
    With gold, silver, and precious stones or wood, hay, and straw.

三。应用 Implications

  1. 注重实际,不重外表
    Emphasized on reality, not on appearance

  2. 付代价,去实行 Be a doer, not a hearer

  3. 要弃绝肉体 Deny carnality